Oracle Apex Git


Oracle Apex Git

Version Control and Collaboration in Oracle APEX Development with Git

Oracle APEX is a fantastic low-code development platform enabling rapid web application creation. However, as your projects grow, managing code changes and collaboration between developers can become challenging. This is where Git, a powerful version control system, steps in to streamline your APEX development workflow.

Why Git for Oracle APEX?

  • Version History: Git tracks every change made to your APEX codebase. You can easily revert to older versions, experiment without fear, and see a clear history of who changed what and when.
  • Collaboration: Git enables multiple developers to work on the same APEX application simultaneously. You can manage code conflicts seamlessly and maintain a single source of truth.
  • Branching: Create separate branches for new features or bug fixes. This allows you to develop and test in isolation before merging changes back into the main codebase, promoting stability.
  • Code Review: Git facilitates a structured code review process. Developers can propose changes, provide feedback, and improve code quality as a team.

Getting Started: Tools and Setup

  1. Git Client: Install a Git client (e.g., Git for Windows, command-line Git, or a visual tool like Sourcetree or GitHub Desktop).
  2. Liquibase: Liquibase is a tool for managing database schema changes. Oracle APEX has integrated Liquibase support to export your application components in a format suitable for version control.
  3. SQLcl: This Oracle command-line tool interacts with your Oracle database and works nicely with Liquibase.
  4. CI/CD (Optional): Consider a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery platform like Visual Builder Studio, Jenkins, or GitLab CI/CD to automate parts of your workflow.


Here’s a typical Git and APEX workflow:

  1. Create a Git Repository: Start by initializing a Git repository for your APEX project.
  2. Export Your APEX Application:
    • Use SQLcl to connect to your database.
    • Execute Liquibase commands to export your APEX application definition into separate files for each component (pages, reports, etc.).
  1. Commit Changes: Add the exported files to your Git repository and commit the changes with a meaningful message.
  2. Development and Branching: Create feature branches for new development or bug fixes. Push your changes to the remote repository for collaboration and backups.
  3. Code Review: Use merge/pull requests to propose changes to the main branch. This encourages team review and discussion.
  4. Deployment (Optional): If you’ve set up a CI/CD pipeline, it can automatically deploy approved changes from the main branch to testing or production environments.

Best Practices

  • Frequent Commits: Commit small, logical changes often with clear messages. This makes your version history easier to understand.
  • Meaningful Branches: Use descriptive branch names (e.g., “feature/new-dashboard” or “bugfix/login-issue”).
  • Utilize Code Reviews: Encourage thorough code reviews before merging changes to improve quality and knowledge sharing.
  • Automate Where Possible: CI/CD pipelines can save time and reduce errors in the deployment process.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Database Changes: Sync database objects outside of APEX with your Git workflow. Consider tools like Liquibase for database versioning alongside your APEX application code.
  • Team Training: Ensure your team is comfortable with Git concepts and the chosen workflow.


You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link



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