Kafka Download Ubuntu


Kafka Download Ubuntu

Title: Installing and Getting Started with Apache Kafka on Ubuntu


Apache Kafka is a powerful distributed streaming platform for building high-throughput, low-latency applications for real-time data handling. It’s a popular choice across industries in scenarios like log aggregation, website activity tracking, real-time analytics, and building scalable messaging systems. Let’s explore how to install Kafka on your Ubuntu machine.


  • An Ubuntu system (this guide works with Ubuntu 18.04 and above)
  • Java JDK (version 8 or later)
  • Basic command-line familiarity

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Install Java:
  2. Bash
  3. sudo apt update
  4. sudo apt install default-JDK
  5. Java -version # Verify installation
  6. Use code
  7. content_copy
  8. Create a Kafka User (Optional but Recommended):
  9. Bash
  10. sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash kafka
  11. sudo passwd kafka
  12. Use code 
  13. content_copy
  14. Download Apache Kafka:
    • Visit the Apache Kafka downloads page: 
    • Choose the latest release version (e.g., 3.7.0) with the Scala version compatible with your projects (usually 2.12 or 2.13).
  • Download the binary using the download link or curl:
  • Bash
  • curl -O https://downloads.apache.org/kafka/3.7.0/kafka_2.13-3.7.0.tgz
  • Use code 
    • content_copy
  1. Extract the Archive:
  2. Bash
  3. tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.7.0.tgz
  4. cd kafka_2.13-3.7.0
  5. Use code 
  6. content_copy

Basic Configuration

  1. Configuring the Server:
    • The central server configuration file is at config/server.properties. Open it in your favorite text editor.
    • Find the listener property and specify your server’s address and port (e.g., listeners=PLAINTEXT://your_server_ip:9092)
    • Consider modifying the log. dirs property to specify where to store Kafka data.
  1. Configuring Zookeeper:
    • Kafka relies on Zookeeper, so edit config/zookeeper.properties
    • Modify the dataDir property to point to a location for Zookeeper data.

Starting Kafka

  1. Start Zookeeper:
  2. Bash
  3. bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties & 
  4. Use code 
  5. content_copy
  6. Start the Kafka Server:
  7. Bash
  8. bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties &
  9. Use code 
  10. content_copy

Testing Your Installation (Optional)

  1. Create a Topic:
  2. Bash
  3. bin/Kafka-topics.sh –create –topic test-topic –bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  4. Use code 
  5. content_copy
  6. Produce Messages:
  7. Bash
  8. bin/kafka-console-producer.sh –topic test-topic –bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  9. “` (Type some messages, press Enter to send)
  11. Use code 
  12. content_copy
  13. Consume Messages:
  14. Bash
  15. bin/Kafka-console-consumer.sh –topic test-topic –from-beginning –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 
  16. Use code 
  17. content_copy

Common Use Cases

  • Real-time data pipelines: Process data streams from websites, applications, and sensors.
  • Messaging system: Kafka provides a durable, scalable message queue for applications.
  • Microservices: Kafka is excellent for communication between microservices.


There you have it! You’ve successfully installed Apache Kafka on Ubuntu. Now, go forth and build excellent real-time data applications.


You can find more information about  Apache Kafka  in this Apache Kafka



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