SAP GRC Notification Variables


SAP GRC Notification Variables

Understanding and Using SAP GRC Notification Variables

SAP Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) provides robust tools to help organizations streamline their compliance efforts, automate risk management processes, and maintain a secure control environment. One key aspect of SAP GRC is the notification system, which keeps relevant stakeholders informed throughout various GRC workflows. Notification variables play a crucial role in customizing these communications.

What are SAP GRC Notification Variables?

Notification variables are dynamic placeholders within the notification templates of SAP GRC workflows. They are automatically replaced with real-time data when notifications are sent out, providing contextual and actionable information to the recipients.

Examples of Common SAP GRC Notification Variables

Some of the most commonly used notification variables across GRC modules include:

  • Process-related:
    • Process ID
    • Request ID
    • Stage Name
    • Initiator
    • Current Agent
  • Object-related:
    • Risk ID
    • Control ID
    • Company Code
    • System Name
  • Decision-related:
    • Approver/Reviewer Name
    • Decision (Approve/Reject)
    • Comments
  • Workflow-related
    • Workflow Deadline
    • Links to access pending requests

Why are SAP GRC Notification Variables Important?

  1. Enhanced Communication: Notification variables ensure stakeholders receive relevant and specific information, tailored to their roles, about compliance and risk-related activities.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Notification variables reduce the time and effort required to craft notifications manually by automating the inclusion of key details.
  3. Actionable Insights: Well-designed notification variables drive more informed and timely decision-making by providing pertinent context surrounding requests or alerts.

How to Use SAP GRC Notification Variables

  1. Identify Relevant Variables: In the MSMP Workflow configuration (transaction SPRO), select your workflow and navigate to Step 4, “Variables & Templates.” Review the list of available notification variables.
  2. Include Variables in Templates: Within notification templates, insert the desired notification variable placeholders using this syntax: &[variable_name]&
  3. Custom Notification Variables (Optional): If the standard variables don’t meet all your needs, you can create custom variables and related function modules to pull more specialized data.

Best Practices when Working with SAP GRC Notification Variables

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid overwhelming recipients with too many variables. Focus on including only the most essential ones.
  • Consider Your Audience: Tailor your choice of variables to the specific stakeholders you are notifying (e.g., business users vs. system administrators).
  • Clear Formatting: Utilize white space and formatting to improve the readability of notifications.
  • Test Thoroughly: Before going live, test notifications to ensure variables are populating correctly and the overall communication is effective.


SAP GRC notification variables are powerful tools for personalizing and streamlining GRC-related communications. Effective use will boost efficiency, drive better decision-making, and improve stakeholder engagement with your organization’s compliance and risk management processes.

You can find more information about SAP  GRC in this  SAP GRC Link



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