SAP GRC 2027


SAP GRC 2027

SAP GRC 2027: Preparing for the End of Maintenance and Beyond

SAP’s Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) suite is essential for companies seeking to control risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and streamline their business processes. However, a significant shift is approaching for SAP GRC solutions: the end of mainstream maintenance in 2027. Let’s explore what this means and how your organization can prepare.

Understanding the End of Maintenance

The announced end of mainstream maintenance for SAP Access Control, Process Control, and Risk Management (versions 10.1 and 12.0) does not translate into immediate obsolescence. SAP will still provide limited support for a period after 2027. Here’s the general timeline:

  • 2027: End of mainstream maintenance.
  • 2027-2030: Option to purchase extended maintenance from SAP.
  • After 2030: Customer-specific maintenance based on individual agreements.

Why the Change Matters

Ending mainstream maintenance implies:

  • No New Features: Future enhancements and innovations in SAP GRC solutions will cease for the older versions.
  • Limited Support: SAP’s support and bug fixes will become less frequent.
  • Security Risks: Older software often harbors security vulnerabilities as patches become less frequent.

What are Your Options?

It’s essential to begin planning your transition strategy. Here are some key options:

  1. Upgrade to Newer SAP GRC Versions: The most direct path is upgrading to the latest GRC versions offered by SAP. This grants you continued support and new functionalities.
  2. Migration to SAP S/4HANA: For organizations using older SAP releases, moving to S/4HANA aligns you with SAP’s future roadmap. It offers embedded GRC functionalities and tighter integration.
  3. Consider Cloud-Based GRC Platforms: Explore cloud-based GRC solutions that often provide rapid updates, scalability, and different cost models.

Key Considerations for Decisions

  • Business Needs: Map current requirements against the features of newer GRC versions or alternative solutions.
  • Integration: How tightly integrated is your GRC setup with other SAP and non-SAP systems? Complex integrations may influence your path.
  • Budget and Resources: Carefully evaluate cost implications and IT resource availability for upgrades or migrations.

Act Now, Plan Strategically

The 2027 deadline might seem distant, but proactive planning is essential for a smooth transition. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Assess Your Current Setup: Inventory your GRC modules, customizations, and integrations.
  2. Review SAP Roadmaps: Understand SAP’s development plans for GRC within and outside the S/4HANA context.
  3. Evaluate Alternative Solutions: Research newer SAP versions and cloud-based alternatives, understanding their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Build a Roadmap: Create a transition plan factoring in budget, timelines, and the need for potential training or upskilling your team.

The Takeaway

SAP GRC’s 2027 maintenance deadline is an opportunity to transform your risk management and compliance strategies. It’s vital not to let it become a crisis. Proactive assessment and planning will position you for success in the future GRC landscape.

You can find more information about SAP  GRC in this  SAP GRC Link



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