Databricks Git


                  Databricks Git

Let’s talk about Git integration with Databricks. Here’s a breakdown of the essentials:

What is Databricks Git Integration?

Databricks Git folders provide a seamless way to integrate Git version control directly into your Databricks workspaces. This allows you to manage your code, collaborate with others, track changes, and implement robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) workflows within your data and AI projects.

Key Features

  • Git Operations: Perform standard operations like cloning, committing, pushing, pulling, and branching.
  • Visualizations: Inspect code differences (diffs) when committing or resolving merge conflicts.
  • Git Providers: Integrate with mainstream Git providers like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps.
  • Code Collaboration: Facilitate teamwork on notebooks and other project files.
  • Version Control: Track code history and revert to previous versions as needed.
  • CI/CD Support: Enable automated testing and deployment pipelines.

How to Get Started

  1. Set Up Git Folders: Configure Databricks Git folders within your workspace. This includes adding your Git provider credentials (like a Personal Access Token) for authentication. (See Databricks Documentation for detailed steps )
  2. Clone or Create a Repository: Either clone an existing Git repository into your Databricks workspace or create a new one directly within Databricks.
  3. Work on Code: Edit and develop notebooks (including IPYNB notebooks) or other files within the repository.
  4. Commit and Push:  Track your changes by committing them to your local repository and then push those commits to the remote repository on your Git provider.


  • Improved Code Management: Maintain clean code structure, track changes effectively, and prevent accidental deletion or overwrites.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Multiple developers can work on the same project smoothly and manage their work via branches.
  • Robust CI/CD: Automate deployment and testing to streamline development and catch potential issues early.
  • Version History: If things don’t go as planned, you can revert to older working versions of your code.

Example Use Case

Imagine you’re building a machine learning model in a Databricks notebook. You can use Databricks Git integration to:

  1. Track your notebook’s development progress.
  2. Create branches to experiment with different modeling techniques safely.
  3. Collaborate with team members who review and contribute to your laptop.
  4. Please set up a CI/CD pipeline to test the model and deploy it to a production environment upon passing the tests.

Databricks Training Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Databricks Training in this Dtabricks Docs Link



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