Teradata to GCP Migration


Teradata to GCP Migration

Migrating from Teradata to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) involves moving data and workloads from the Teradata database, a traditional on-premises data warehouse, to one of GCP’s cloud-based data services. The most common target for such a migration is Google BigQuery, GCP’s fully-managed, serverless data warehouse that enables scalable and cost-effective data storage and analysis.

Key Steps in Teradata to GCP Migration:

  1. Assessment and Planning:

    • Assess the current Teradata environment, including data volume, schema, and types of workloads.
    • Identify dependencies and integrations with other systems.
    • Plan the migration strategy, including deciding on a phased or all-in-one migration approach.
    • Evaluate costs, potential risks, and set timelines.
  2. Choosing the Right GCP Services:

    • BigQuery: For data warehousing.
    • Dataflow or Dataproc: For data processing and transformation.
    • Cloud Storage: For storing raw or intermediate data.
    • Cloud VPN or Interconnect: For secure data transfer.
  3. Schema and Data Migration:

    • Convert the Teradata schema to BigQuery schema. This might involve changes due to differences in data types and database capabilities.
    • Migrate data using tools like Google’s Database Migration Service, Cloud Data Transfer, or third-party ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools.
    • For large datasets, consider using Google’s Transfer Appliance.
  4. Optimizing Queries and Data Models:

    • Optimize SQL queries for BigQuery’s architecture.
    • Revisit and optimize data models for cloud-native performance and scalability.
  5. Testing:

    • Perform comprehensive testing, including data integrity, performance, and application integration testing.
  6. Updating Applications and Integrations:

    • Update applications and data integrations to point to the new data warehouse in GCP.
    • Ensure that all business intelligence and reporting tools are integrated with BigQuery.
  7. Monitoring and Optimization:

    • Set up monitoring and logging for the new environment in GCP.
    • Continuously optimize performance and manage costs in BigQuery.
  8. Training and Change Management:

    • Train your team on GCP and BigQuery.
    • Implement change management processes to adapt to the new cloud-based environment.


  • Data Governance and Security: Ensure that data governance policies are updated for compliance in the cloud environment. Utilize GCP’s security and privacy features.

  • Performance Tuning: BigQuery has different performance characteristics compared to Teradata, so it’s important to optimize for its architecture.

  • Cost Management: Understand and manage the costs associated with GCP services, especially since BigQuery pricing is based on data processed and stored.

Tools and Services:

  • Google Cloud’s Database Migration Service: Simplifies and automates the migration process.
  • Cloud Dataflow and Dataproc: For data processing and transformation.
  • Third-Party ETL Tools: Can be used for complex migration scenarios.


Migrating from Teradata to GCP is a significant undertaking that can offer substantial benefits in terms of scalability, performance, and cost. However, it requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing management. It’s often beneficial to work with a partner experienced in cloud migrations or to utilize Google’s professional services to ensure a smooth transition.

Google Cloud Training Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Google Cloud in this Google Cloud Link



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