

AMDP in SAP BW: Harnessing the Power of Database-Level Transformation

In SAP BW, performance optimization and streamlined data processing are constant pursuits. ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP) offer a powerful tool for achieving these goals by shifting complex transformation logic directly to the database layer. In this blog post, we’ll explore AMDP, why you should consider using it, and how to get started.

What is AMDP?

AMDPs are specialized procedures written in SQLScript (SAP HANA’s SQL dialect) that reside and execute directly within the SAP HANA database. This database-centric approach provides several compelling advantages when used in your SAP BW transformations:

  • Performance: AMDPs leverage the raw processing power of the SAP HANA database, accelerating data manipulations and calculations. This is especially beneficial for complex logic that would be slower to process in the ABAP application layer.
  • Data Transfer Reduction: By executing logic within the database, AMDPs minimize the need to transfer data between the application layer and the database, further improving performance.
  • Code Simplification: SQLScript can provide more elegant and streamlined solutions for specific tasks than traditional ABAP, potentially making your transformation code easier to maintain.

When to Use AMDP in SAP BW

AMDP shines in the following scenarios:

  • Complex Transformations: AMDP can significantly improve performance if your transformations involve intricate calculations, aggregations, or data joins across large datasets.
  • Utilizing HANA-Specific Functions: Leverage the unique capabilities of SAP HANA, such as spatial functions, text analysis, and predictive algorithms, by encapsulating them within AMDPs.
  • Custom Logic: Implement business logic that might not easily map to standard ABAP transformation routines. AMDP gives you greater flexibility for tailored solutions.

Getting Started with AMDP in SAP BW

  1. ABAP and HANA Development Tools: Ensure you have the tools, like the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in Eclipse, for creating and managing AMDP classes.
  2. Create an AMDP Class: In your ABAP development environment, create an AMDP class that will hold your procedure.
  3. Define the AMDP Method: Write the SQLScript code for your transformation logic within a method of the AMDP class. This code can include SELECT statements, joins, calculations, and other necessary database operations.
  4. Implement in Transformations: Use the new AMDP procedure in your SAP BW transformation. Use the Expert Routine option to call your AMDP method for a specific step in your transformation process.


Suppose you need to calculate a complex discount based on several factors for each record in a sales dataset. An AMDP procedure could efficiently perform these calculations on the database level.

Key Considerations

  • AMDP is not a replacement for all ABAP transformation logic. Simple transformations may still be better handled using standard routines.
  • Carefully balance the potential performance gains with the additional development effort required for AMDP.


AMDP provides a powerful way to supercharge your SAP BW transformations. By strategically offloading logic to the SAP HANA database, you’ll unlock performance improvements, reduce data bottlenecks, and simplify your codebase. If you have intensive transformations in your SAP BW environment, consider exploring the world of AMDPs!

You can find more information about SAP  ABAP in this  SAP ABAP Link



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