Azure DevOps Delete Branch


Azure DevOps Delete Branch

In Azure DevOps, you can delete branches from your Git repositories when they are no longer needed. Deleting branches helps keep your repository clean and reduces clutter. Here’s how to delete a branch in Azure DevOps:

Method 1: Deleting a Branch Using Azure DevOps Web Interface

  1. Navigate to Repositories:

    • Open your Azure DevOps project and go to the repository where the branch you want to delete is located.
  2. Select the Branch:

    • Click on the “Branches” tab to view a list of branches in your repository.
    • Locate the branch you want to delete in the list.
  3. Delete the Branch:

    • Hover over the branch name to reveal the ellipsis (…) menu on the right side of the branch name.
    • Click on the ellipsis menu.
    • Select “Delete” from the menu.
  4. Confirm Deletion:

    • Azure DevOps will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the branch.
    • Review the confirmation message and ensure you are deleting the correct branch.
    • Type the name of the branch to confirm the deletion.
    • Click “Delete.”
  5. Deletion Complete:

    • Once deleted, the branch will be removed from the list of branches.

Method 2: Deleting a Branch Using Git Command Line (Optional)

You can also delete a branch using Git command line tools. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a Terminal:

    • Open a terminal or command prompt on your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the Repository:

    • Use the cd command to navigate to the local directory of your Git repository.
  3. Delete the Branch:

    • To delete a branch locally, use the following Git command:

      git branch -d branch_name

      Replace branch_name with the name of the branch you want to delete.

  4. Push the Deletion:

    • To delete the branch on the remote repository (Azure DevOps), use the following Git command:

      git push origin --delete branch_name

      Again, replace branch_name with the name of the branch.

By following these steps, you can delete branches from your Azure DevOps Git repositories either using the web interface or Git command line tools. Make sure to exercise caution when deleting branches to avoid accidentally deleting important code. It’s a good practice to only delete branches that are no longer needed or have been merged into the main branch.

Demo Day 1 Video:

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