Azure DevOps Licensing


    Azure DevOps Licensing

Azure DevOps, now known as Azure DevOps Services, is a set of development tools provided by Microsoft that encompasses a wide range of services for software development and collaboration. Azure DevOps Services includes features for version control, build automation, release management, project tracking, and more.

Azure DevOps Services offers different licensing options depending on your organization’s needs. Here are some of the common licensing options available:

  1. Free Tier: Azure DevOps Services offers a free tier that provides basic features for small teams. This includes unlimited users for public projects and up to 5 users for private projects. However, certain advanced features might not be available in the free tier.
  2. Pricing Tiers: Azure DevOps Services also offers paid tiers with more features and capabilities. The pricing is typically based on the number of users and the features required. These tiers include:
    • Basic: Provides access to core features such as version control, work tracking, and build automation. This tier is suitable for smaller teams or projects.
    • Basic + Test Plans: In addition to the Basic features, this tier includes Test Plans for managing and tracking testing efforts within your projects.
    • Basic + Artifacts: Along with the Basic features, this tier offers capabilities for hosting and managing private NuGet, npm, and Maven package feeds.
    • All-in-One: This comprehensive tier includes all features from the Basic, Test Plans, and Artifacts tiers, providing a complete set of tools for software development and delivery.
  1. Enterprise Agreements: For larger organizations, Microsoft offers Enterprise Agreements that provide customized licensing options and support tailored to the organization’s needs.

It’s important to note that licensing details and offerings can change over time. For the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding Azure DevOps licensing, I recommend visiting the official Microsoft Azure DevOps Services pricing page or contacting Microsoft sales representatives.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about DevOps in this DevOps Link



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