Azure DevOps Query


     Azure DevOps Query

Azure DevOps Query, now known as Azure DevOps Boards, is a project management and work tracking system provided by Microsoft as a part of the Azure DevOps Services (previously known as Visual Studio Team Services). It’s commonly used by software development teams to plan, track, and manage work items, user stories, bugs, tasks, and other artifacts associated with a software development project.

Here are the basic steps to create and use queries in Azure DevOps Boards:

  1. Access Azure DevOps Boards: Log in to your Azure DevOps organization and navigate to the Boards section.

  2. Create a Query: In the Boards section, you can create a new query by selecting the “New Query” option. You can give your query a name and define its criteria.

  3. Define Query Criteria: Query criteria are used to filter and sort work items based on specific conditions. You can choose fields, operators, and values to define the conditions of your query. For example, you can filter work items by their status, assigned users, tags, etc.

  4. Save and Run the Query: After defining your query criteria, you can save the query and then run it to see the results. The results will display all the work items that match the criteria you’ve specified.

  5. Modify and Refine Queries: You can always go back and modify the query criteria or create more complex queries to get more specific results. Queries can be saved for future use and can also be shared with other team members.

  6. Query Results: The query results will show a list of work items that match the criteria. You can further interact with these work items, update their information, change their status, assign them to team members, and more.

  7. Charting and Visualization: Azure DevOps Boards also provide options to visualize query results using charts and dashboards. You can create various types of charts to visualize the distribution of work items, their status, progress, and more.

  8. Query Hierarchy: Queries in Azure DevOps Boards can be organized into folders to help manage and categorize them effectively. This is particularly useful when you have a large number of queries.

Demo Day 1 Video:

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