Azure DevOps VSTS


        Azure DevOps VSTS

It seems like you’re referring to Azure DevOps Services, previously known as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Azure DevOps Services is a set of development tools and services offered by Microsoft to help teams plan, develop, test, deliver, and monitor software projects. It provides a range of features and capabilities to support the entire software development lifecycle. Here are some key aspects of Azure DevOps Services:

  1. Version Control: Azure DevOps Services offers version control solutions, primarily using Git repositories or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). This allows teams to track changes in their codebase, collaborate effectively, and manage their source code history.

  2. Work Item Tracking: Teams can use work items to track tasks, features, bugs, and other aspects of their projects. These work items can be organized using backlogs and boards, providing a visual representation of the project’s progress.

  3. Continuous Integration (CI): Azure DevOps Services supports continuous integration, where code changes are automatically built, tested, and integrated into the shared codebase. This ensures early detection of issues and promotes code quality.

  4. Continuous Deployment (CD): With continuous deployment, teams can automate the deployment process, making it easier to release new versions of software to different environments, such as development, testing, and production.

  5. Build Pipelines: Teams can define and customize build pipelines to automate the building and testing of their applications. These pipelines can include tasks like compiling code, running tests, and packaging the application for deployment.

  6. Release Pipelines: Release pipelines automate the deployment of applications to different environments. Teams can define deployment stages, approvals, and triggers to ensure a controlled and reliable release process.

  7. Testing and Monitoring: Azure DevOps Services supports various testing frameworks and tools, allowing teams to perform automated testing and monitor the health of their applications.

  8. Integration and Extensions: Azure DevOps Services can be integrated with a variety of tools and services, such as Azure services, third-party tools, and custom extensions. This flexibility helps teams create customized workflows and processes.

  9. Reporting and Insights: Teams can track project progress, monitor key performance indicators, and generate reports to gain insights into their development processes.

  10. Azure Boards, Repos, Pipelines, Test Plans, and Artifacts: These are the core components of Azure DevOps Services, covering work item management, source code repositories, build and release pipelines, test management, and package management, respectively.

  11. Azure DevOps Server: In addition to the cloud-based Azure DevOps Services, there’s also Azure DevOps Server (previously known as Team Foundation Server), which is an on-premises version of the same toolset.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about DevOps in this DevOps Link



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