Azure Web


Azure Web

“Azure Web” typically refers to the various web-related services and capabilities offered by Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform. Azure provides a wide range of tools and services for building, hosting, and managing web applications, websites, and web-related workloads. Here are some key Azure web services and capabilities:

  1. Azure App Service: Azure App Service is a fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling web apps. It supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, including .NET, Java, Python, Node.js, and more. You can deploy web applications, APIs, and mobile backends using App Service.

  2. Azure Functions: Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code in response to events without managing infrastructure. It is often used for building lightweight web APIs, microservices, and event-driven applications.

  3. Azure Static Web Apps: Azure Static Web Apps is a service for hosting static web content (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) with serverless APIs. It integrates with popular development frameworks and provides continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) capabilities.

  4. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): AKS is a managed Kubernetes container orchestration service. It can be used to deploy and manage containerized web applications at scale.

  5. Azure Front Door: Azure Front Door is a global content delivery network (CDN) and application gateway service. It helps improve the availability, scalability, and performance of web applications by caching content and load balancing traffic.

  6. Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN): Azure CDN is a distributed network of servers that caches and delivers web content, including images, videos, and static files, to users from locations closer to their geographic location, reducing latency.

  7. Azure Web Apps for Containers: Azure Web Apps for Containers allows you to deploy web applications in containers, providing flexibility and consistency in application packaging and deployment.

  8. Azure Logic Apps: Azure Logic Apps is a workflow automation service that enables you to create workflows and integrations between web services and APIs.

  9. Azure API Management: Azure API Management provides a way to create, publish, secure, and analyze APIs, making it easier to expose and manage web APIs for web and mobile applications.

  10. Azure SignalR Service: Azure SignalR Service simplifies real-time communication for web applications by providing WebSocket capabilities for building interactive, real-time features.

  11. Azure DevOps Services: Azure DevOps Services offers a suite of tools for software development and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), enabling teams to automate the deployment of web applications.

  12. Azure Monitor and Application Insights: These services help you monitor the performance and availability of web applications, detect and diagnose issues, and gain insights into user behavior.

  13. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): Azure AD provides identity and access management services, including secure authentication and authorization, which are crucial for web application security.

Azure Training Demo Day 1 Video

You can find more information about Microsoft Azure in this Microsoft Azure Link



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