Databricks NPM


                 Databricks NPM

Databricks is a platform for data engineering, machine learning, and analytics on the cloud. While Databricks itself doesn’t directly integrate with npm (Node Package Manager), there are a couple of ways you might be thinking about using them together:

  1. Node.js Libraries in Databricks Notebooks:
    • You can install Node.js libraries within Databricks notebooks (specifically those with a Python or Scala kernel) by using init scripts or custom cluster libraries.
    • This allows you to leverage JavaScript functionality (like specific npm packages) alongside your primary data processing tasks in Python or Scala.
  2. Managing Databricks Workflow Dependencies with npm:
    • Suppose you have custom scripts or tools that interact with the Databricks API (e.g., for job orchestration or data pipeline management). In that case, you can use npm to manage the dependencies of these external Node.js projects.

How to use npm packages in Databricks Notebooks

  • Init Scripts: Init scripts are shell scripts that run during cluster startup. You can include commands to install npm packages using npm install within these scripts. These packages will then be available in your notebooks.
  • Cluster Libraries: You can upload custom libraries (including npm packages) as cluster libraries in Databricks. These libraries will be available on all nodes of the cluster.

Example (using an init script):

Let’s say you want to use the moment library for date/time manipulation within your Databricks notebook:

  1. Create an init script (e.g., install-moment. sh) with the following content:
  2. Bash
  3. #!/bin/bash
  4. npm install moment


  1. Upload this script as a cluster init script in your Databricks cluster configuration.
  2. In your Databricks notebook, you can now use moments like this:
  3. JavaScript
  4. %sh
  5. node -e “console.log(require(‘moment’)().format(‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss))”

Important Considerations:

  • Installing npm packages within Databricks might require additional cluster configuration or permissions, depending on your setup.
  • Choose libraries carefully, ensuring they are compatible with the Databricks environment.
  • For more complex or production-grade workflows, consider containerized solutions (e.g., using Docker) to manage dependencies and environments better.

Databricks Training Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Databricks Training in this Dtabricks Docs Link



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