Exclude Snowflake


Exclude Snowflake

Snowflake’s SELECT * EXCLUDE: A Time-Saving SQL Feature

Snowflake, the cloud-based data warehouse, offers a range of features that elevate traditional SQL experiences. One such feature is the SELECT * EXCLUDE syntax – a convenient tool for streamlining your queries and saving you valuable time.

The Old Way: Listing Columns Manually

Imagine you have a table with a multitude of columns. You want to retrieve almost all the data except for several specific columns. Traditionally, in SQL, you’d have to list every desired column in your SELECT statement:


SELECT column1, column2, column4, column5, — (and so on)

FROM my_table;

Use code with caution.


This approach can become especially tedious when dealing with wide tables.


Snowflake’s SELECT * EXCLUDE syntax offers a more elegant and efficient solution. Let’s see how it simplifies that same query:


SELECT * EXCLUDE (column3, column6) 

FROM my_table;

Use code with caution.


This statement fetches all columns from my_table except for ‘column3’ and ‘column6’. It’s concise, readable, and a real time-saver!

Key Use Cases

Let’s look at some practical applications of SELECT * EXCLUDE:

  • Exploratory Analysis: When exploring a dataset initially, excluding a few potentially sensitive or irrelevant columns lets you focus on the core data.
  • Checksums for Wide Tables: Do you need to calculate checksums for wide tables to ensure data integrity during changes? SELECT * EXCLUDE lets you easily remove non-essential columns for checksum generation.
  • Quick Prototyping: Speed up development by excluding columns you’ll address later in the refinement process.

Important Considerations

  • Performance: There’s no significant performance difference between using SELECT * EXCLUDE and explicitly listing columns. Rest assured, convenience doesn’t come at the cost of speed.
  • Dynamic Exclusion: You can’t use variables directly within the EXCLUDE clause. However, you can prepare your SQL statement dynamically to work around this.


Snowflake extends its SELECT * enhancements with the RENAME option. This lets you simultaneously rename columns:



    EXCLUDE (old_column) 

    RENAME (new_column AS renamed_old_column) 

FROM my_table; 

Use code with caution.


Embrace Efficiency

Snowflake’s SELECT * EXCLUDE is a small but mighty addition to your SQL toolkit. Understanding how and when to use it will streamline your data workflows and write more concise queries in Snowflake.

You can find more information about  Snowflake  in this  Snowflake



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