

Understanding SAP’s FTP_R3_TO_SERVER: A Guide to File Transfers

In the world of SAP systems, efficient data exchange is crucial. The function module FTP_R3_TO_SERVER provides a streamlined way to send files from your SAP R/3 system to an external FTP server. Let’s explore what this function module does, why you’d use it, and how to get it working.


Built into the SAP standard library, FTP_R3_TO_SERVER handles the file transfer protocol (FTP) communication between your SAP R/3 system and a remote FTP server. It simplifies sending:

  • Text Files: Plain text documents, configuration files, reports
  • Binary Files: Images, spreadsheets, compressed data, any non-textual format


  • Automation: Integrate file transfers into your ABAP programs for background tasks or scheduled jobs.
  • Centralization: Manage file transfers within your SAP system rather than relying on external tools.
  • Cross-Platform Communication: FTP is a widely supported protocol for exchanging files with systems running different operating systems.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Establish a Connection: Use the function module ‘FTP_CONNECT’ to open a connection to the FTP server, providing the server address, username, and password.
  2. Prepare Your Data:
    • Text Files: Store your data in an internal table with text line entries.
    • Binary Files: Convert your file into an XSTRING (binary string) using ‘SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY.’
  1. Call FTP_R3_TO_SERVER: Execute the function module, supplying the following parameters:
    • Handle: The connection handle from ‘FTP_CONNECT.’
    • Name: The desired filename on the FTP server.
    • Text (for text files): Your internal table containing the text data.
    • Blob (for binary files): Your XSTRING data.

Error Handling:

The sy-subarc return code indicates success or failure:

  • sy-subrc = 0: File transfer successful.
  • sy-subrc = 1: TCP/IP related error.
  • sy-subrc = 2: FTP command error.
  • sy-subrc = 3: Data error (e.g., incorrect file format).
  • sy-subrc > 3: Other errors.

Example (Text File)

Code snippet

DATA: connection_handle TYPE i,

      filename TYPE string VALUE ‘report.txt,’

      wa_text TYPE string,

      gt_text TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string.



    host = ‘ftp.yourserver.com’ 

    user = ‘username’

    password = ‘password’


    OTHERS = 1.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  ” Handle connection error


wa_text = ‘This is line 1 of the report.’.

APPEND wa_text TO gt_text.

wa_text = ‘This is line 2.’.

APPEND wa_text TO gt_text.



    handle = connection_handle

    frame = filename

    tables = gt_text


    OTHERS = 1.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  ” Handle file transfer error


Important Notes:

  • Ensure the FTP server is accessible from your SAP system.
  • Handle authorization requirements on the FTP server.
  • ‘FTP_R3_TO_SERVER’ doesn’t create directories; they must exist beforehand on the FTP server.

You can find more information about SAP  ABAP in this  SAP ABAP Link



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