Guru 99 Cucumber Selenium


Guru 99 Cucumber Selenium

  1. It looks like you’re mentioning a combination of tools that are commonly used for automated software testing. Let’s break down these terms:

    1. Guru99: Guru99 is an online platform that provides tutorials, articles, and other learning resources for various IT topics, including software testing. They offer a lot of content related to different programming languages, testing frameworks, and tools.

    2. Cucumber: Cucumber is a tool used for behavior-driven development (BDD). With Cucumber, you can write tests in a natural, human-readable language that describes the behavior of the application. These human-readable tests are then translated into code that tests the application in an automated way.

    3. Selenium: Selenium is a popular framework for automating browsers. It provides a way to write scripts that perform actions in a web browser, just like a human would do manually. Selenium can be integrated with various testing frameworks, and it’s often used for testing web applications.

    Combining these three, you can have a system where Cucumber defines the behavior you want to test in your application in a human-readable way, and then Selenium actually performs the actions in a web browser to test that behavior.

    Here’s a basic example of what a test might look like using these tools:

    • You might define a behavior in Cucumber like:

      Feature: Login Scenario: Logging in with correct credentials Given I am on the login page When I enter valid username and password Then I should be taken to my account dashboard
    • Then, using Selenium, you would write the code that makes these actions happen in the browser:

      @Given("^I am on the login page$") public void i_am_on_the_login_page() { driver.get(""); } @When("^I enter valid username and password$") public void i_enter_valid_username_and_password() { driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys("correct_user"); driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys("correct_password"); driver.findElement("submit")).click(); } @Then("^I should be taken to my account dashboard$") public void i_should_be_taken_to_my_account_dashboard() { String expectedUrl = ""; assertEquals(expectedUrl, driver.getCurrentUrl()); }

    The actual code would depend on the specific requirements of your application and the language you’re using. You can find detailed tutorials on how to set up and use these tools on platforms like Guru99 or other online resources dedicated to software testing.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Selenium in this Selenium Link



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