Healenium Selenium


Healenium Selenium

Healenium is an extension to Selenium that adds the capability to automatically heal tests. In the context of web automation testing, “healing” refers to the ability of the testing framework to adapt to changes in the web application’s user interface and still successfully locate web elements, even when their locators like XPath or CSS selectors have changed. This can significantly reduce the maintenance effort required for Selenium tests.

How Healenium Works:

  1. Initial Test Execution: During the first test run, Healenium records the locators (XPath, CSS selectors, etc.) and the page’s DOM structure.
  2. Locator Changes: When a test fails due to a changed locator, Healenium attempts to find the element using the recorded DOM and the new page structure.
  3. Healing: If a match is found, Healenium dynamically updates the test with the new locator, allowing the test to continue.
  4. Reporting: It reports the original and new locators for review and updating the test scripts.

Setting Up Healenium:

  1. Adding Dependencies: Include Healenium dependencies in your project. For Java projects managed with Maven, add the Healenium Maven dependency to your pom.xml.
  2. Configuration: Configure Healenium in your project. This may involve setting up a Healenium backend service, which stores the initial mappings and processes healing requests.
  3. Test Script Modification: Modify your Selenium test scripts to use Healenium’s WebDriver wrapper instead of the standard Selenium WebDriver.

Running Tests with Healenium:

  1. Execute Tests: Run your tests as usual. When a locator issue is encountered, Healenium will try to heal it automatically.
  2. Review Healings: After the test run, review the healing reports generated by Healenium. It’s important to check if the healed locators are correct and make necessary updates to your test scripts.

Advantages of Healenium:

  1. Reduced Maintenance: Automatically healing tests can significantly reduce the time spent on maintaining test scripts due to UI changes.
  2. Increased Resilience: Tests become more resilient to changes in the application’s UI, improving the stability of your test suite.


  1. Accuracy: Healenium’s healing ability depends on the application’s UI complexity and the nature of the changes. It may not always find the correct new locator.
  2. Overreliance: There’s a risk of over-relying on Healenium’s healing capability. It’s important to still review and update tests regularly to ensure they reflect the current state of the application.
  3. Integration: Healenium needs to be integrated with your existing Selenium setup, which might require some configuration and adjustments in your testing framework.


Healenium is a useful tool for teams dealing with frequently changing web UIs, as it can reduce the time and effort needed to keep Selenium tests up-to-date. However, it should be used as an aid rather than a replacement for good test maintenance practices. Regular reviews and updates of test cases are still necessary to ensure the quality and accuracy of automated tests.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Selenium in this Selenium Link



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