Java Data Structures


Java Data Structures

Java provides a wide range of built-in data structures that you can use to store and manipulate data efficiently. These data structures are part of the Java Collections Framework, which is a set of classes and interfaces for handling collections of objects. Here are some of the most commonly used Java data structures:

  1. ArrayList: An ArrayList is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink in size. It provides fast access to elements based on their index and is suitable for most list-like data storage needs.

  2. LinkedList: A LinkedList is a data structure consisting of a sequence of elements where each element points to the next one. It is useful for scenarios where you need frequent insertions and deletions.

  3. HashSet: A HashSet is an implementation of the Set interface that stores elements in no particular order and ensures that each element is unique. It uses a hash table to achieve constant-time average complexity for basic operations.

  4. TreeSet: A TreeSet is another implementation of the Set interface, but it maintains elements in sorted order. It uses a Red-Black Tree for efficient storage and retrieval of elements.

  5. HashMap: A HashMap is an implementation of the Map interface, which stores key-value pairs. It uses a hash table to provide constant-time average complexity for basic operations.

  6. TreeMap: A TreeMap is another implementation of the Map interface that stores key-value pairs in sorted order, based on the keys. It uses a Red-Black Tree for efficient storage and retrieval of elements.

  7. Queue: Java provides interfaces like Queue, and classes like LinkedList and PriorityQueue for implementing various queue data structures, including regular queues and priority queues.

  8. Stack: The Stack class implements a basic last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack data structure.

  9. Vector: A Vector is similar to an ArrayList but is synchronized, making it thread-safe. It’s less commonly used due to its performance overhead.

  10. Hashtable: Hashtable is an older version of the HashMap that is synchronized, making it thread-safe but less efficient in multi-threaded scenarios.

  11. Deque: The Deque (Double-Ended Queue) interface and classes like ArrayDeque provide a versatile data structure that supports operations at both ends of the queue.

  12. LinkedHashSet: A LinkedHashSet is an ordered version of HashSet, which maintains the order in which elements were inserted.

These are just some of the core data structures provided by Java. You can use these data structures to efficiently store and manipulate data in various ways, depending on your specific requirements.

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