Mobile Automation Testing Using Selenium


Mobile Automation Testing Using Selenium

Mobile automation testing using Selenium can be performed using Appium, a cross-platform mobile automation tool that works with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. Appium extends Selenium’s WebDriver protocol to enable automation on mobile devices. Here’s a guide to getting started with mobile automation testing using Selenium and Appium:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Install Java: Make sure Java is installed on your machine.
    • Install Node.js and npm: Appium is a Node.js server, so these need to be installed.
    • Install Appium: You can install Appium via npm: npm install -g appium.
    • Install Appium Desktop: This provides a GUI for Appium and can be helpful for beginners.
    • Android SDK/Android Studio (for Android testing): This provides tools like the Android emulator and ADB.
    • Xcode (for iOS testing): Required for iOS simulator and development tools.
  2. Set Up Mobile Emulators/Simulators:

    • Android: Set up an emulator using Android Studio’s AVD Manager.
    • iOS: Set up a simulator using Xcode.
  3. Appium Configuration:

    • When running Appium tests, you need to specify capabilities like device name, platform name, platform version, app path (for native apps), and browser name (for mobile web).
    • Example of desired capabilities for Android:
      desired_caps = { 'platformName': 'Android', 'platformVersion': '10.0', 'deviceName': 'Android Emulator', 'browserName': 'Chrome', # for web apps; use 'app': 'path/to/app' for native apps }
  4. Writing Tests:

    • Write your test scripts in a language supported by Selenium (e.g., Python, Java).
    • Use Appium’s extensions to Selenium WebDriver to interact with mobile elements.
    • Example in Python:
      from appium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_caps) # Your test code goes here driver.quit()
  5. Running Tests:

    • Start the Appium server using the command line (appium) or Appium Desktop.
    • Run your test scripts as you would run a Selenium test.
  6. Locating Elements:

    • Use Appium Inspector (in Appium Desktop) or UIAutomatorViewer (for Android) to locate elements.
    • You can locate elements using accessibility IDs, XPaths, class names, etc.
  7. Advanced Concepts:

    • Handle mobile-specific actions like swipes, scrolls, and multi-touch using Appium’s TouchAction and MultiAction classes.
    • Consider using Page Object Model for organizing your test code.
  8. Integrating with Test Frameworks:

    • Integrate with test frameworks like pytest, JUnit, or TestNG for structured testing, assertions, and reporting.
  9. Continuous Integration:

    • You can integrate your mobile automation tests into CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, etc.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Selenium in this Selenium Link



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