Power View in Power BI


Power View in Power BI

If you want to create interactive reports and dashboards, you can use the following steps in Power BI, which is a more modern and robust tool for such purposes:

  1. Get Data: Import your data into Power BI from various sources such as Excel, databases, or online services.

  2. Data Modeling: Design your data model by defining relationships between tables, creating calculated columns, and measures using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions).

  3. Report Creation:

    • Add visuals to your report canvas. Power BI offers a wide range of visualizations, including charts, tables, maps, and more.
    • Customize visuals by adding fields to the Values, Axis, Legend, and Filters sections.
  4. Interactivity:

    • Use slicers, filters, and drill-through features to make your report interactive. Users can filter and explore data dynamically.
  5. Formatting:

    • Format your visuals, including titles, colors, and styles, to enhance the visual appeal of your report.
  6. Publish and Share:

    • Publish your Power BI report to the Power BI Service, where you can share it with others in your organization. You can control access and permissions.
  7. Scheduled Refresh:

    • Set up scheduled data refresh to keep your report up-to-date with the latest data.
  8. Collaboration:

    • Collaborate with team members by using Power BI Workspaces and share dashboards and reports with them.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Power BI in this Power BI Docs Link



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