Publish Pipeline Artifact


   Publish Pipeline Artifact

Publishing pipeline artifacts in Azure DevOps allows you to share files and data produced during a pipeline run with other stages or jobs in the same pipeline or even with different pipelines. Artifacts can include build outputs, deployment packages, test results, and more. Here’s how you can publish pipeline artifacts in Azure DevOps:

  1. Define the Artifact in a Pipeline Stage:

    • In your Azure DevOps pipeline YAML file, define the artifact you want to publish. This is typically done within a job or stage that generates the artifact. For example:
    jobs: - job: Build displayName: 'Build the application' steps: - script: | # Your build commands here displayName: 'Build' # Publish the artifact - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) displayName: 'Publish Artifact'

    In this example, a job named “Build” is defined, and the publish step is used to publish the contents of the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) directory as an artifact.

  2. Specify the Artifact Name:

    • In the publish step, you can specify the name of the artifact using the name parameter. For example:
    - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) displayName: 'Publish Artifact' artifact: my-artifact-name

    Replace my-artifact-name with your desired artifact name.

  3. Artifact Location:

    • By default, artifacts are published to the Azure Pipelines server, and you can access them through the Azure DevOps web interface. However, you can also configure other storage options, such as Azure Blob Storage, to store your artifacts. This can be done by configuring the “Publish Build Artifacts” task in your pipeline.
  4. Publish Multiple Artifacts:

    • You can publish multiple artifacts in the same job by using multiple publish steps with different names. This allows you to organize and share different types of artifacts.
  5. Accessing Published Artifacts:

    • After the artifacts are published, you can access them in subsequent stages or jobs within the same pipeline using the download or downloadPipelineArtifact steps. You can also access them from other pipelines by specifying the source pipeline and artifact name.

Here’s an example of how to download a published artifact in a different stage or job:

- download: current artifact: my-artifact-name

This step downloads the artifact named “my-artifact-name” from the current pipeline.

Remember to replace my-artifact-name with the actual name of the artifact you want to download.

By publishing and downloading artifacts in your Azure DevOps pipelines, you can share and transfer data between different parts of your CI/CD process, making it easier to build, test, and deploy your applications and services.

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