Python Unzip


                    Python Unzip

Python Unzip:

In Python, the act of “unzipping” usually refers to one of two things:

  1. Extracting the contents of a zip archive file.
  2. “Unzipping” a list of tuples into separate lists.

Let’s explore each concept in a unique way:

  1. Extracting a Zip Archive

Python’s standard library includes the zipfile module, which provides tools for creating, reading, writing, appending, and listing a ZIP file.

Here’s a unique representation of how you might use zipfile to extract a ZIP file:

import zipfile def dragon_unzip(file_name): with zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as dragon_mouth: print(f"Releasing files from {file_name}!") dragon_mouth.extractall() print(f"Files successfully released from {file_name}!") dragon_unzip('')

In this whimsical snippet, we’ve personified the ZIP file extraction process. The ZipFile object is referred to as dragon_mouth, and the process of extracting files is likened to a dragon releasing something from its mouth.

  1. Unzipping a List of Tuples

In Python, “unzipping” can also refer to the process of converting a list of tuples into separate lists. This is typically done using the zip(*iterable) function.

Here’s a unique representation of this concept:

def wizard_unzip(tuple_list): potions, quantities = zip(*tuple_list) print(f"Potion types: {potions}") print(f"Potion quantities: {quantities}") potion_inventory = [('Polyjuice', 10), ('Felix Felicis', 5), ('Veritaserum', 7)] wizard_unzip(potion_inventory)

In this snippet, we’re unzipping a list of tuples that contain potion names and their quantities. The function wizard_unzip works like a wizard splitting the potion inventory into two categories – potion types and their quantities.

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