SAP HR Gender Table


SAP HR Gender Table

SAP remains a dominant player in the ever-evolving world of Human Capital Management (HCM). Regarding employee data, including gender information, SAP utilizes a specific table structure. This blog dives into the details of the SAP HR gender table, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate this essential data point.

The Key Player: Table PA0002

The SAP HR system stores employee gender data within the table PA0002. This table, or Infotype 0002, is the central repository for various personal details about employees, including their gender.

Accessing Gender Information: The GESCH Field

Within PA0002, the field responsible for storing gender data is GESCH. This field typically holds a one-character code that represents the employee’s gender. However, it’s crucial to understand the meaning behind these codes.

Understanding the Gender Codes:

While SAP traditionally offered a binary approach with codes like “M” for males and “F” for females, the system is evolving to be more inclusive. Here’s a breakdown of standard codes you might encounter:

  • M: Male
  • F: Female
  • BLANK: In some cases, the field might be left blank.

Beyond Binary: SAP’s Acknowledgement of Diversity

It’s important to acknowledge that SAP recognizes the need for a more inclusive approach to gender identity. Enhancements are being made to incorporate additional gender options within the system.

Finding the Gender Description:

The GESCH code itself might need to be more descriptive. You can use the data element linked to the GESCH field to obtain the full text associated with the code. This data element usually references a table containing descriptions for each gender code.

Utilizing the Gender Information

The gender data stored in PA0002 has various applications within the SAP HR landscape. It can be used for:

  • Reporting purposes: Generate reports on employee demographics
  • Payroll processing: Depending on local regulations, gender might be a factor in payroll calculations.
  • Access control: In some cases, gender information might be used for specific access controls within the system.

Important Considerations:

  • Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations when handling gender information.
  • Inclusivity: Be mindful of the evolving landscape of gender identity and strive to use inclusive practices within SAP HCM.


Understanding the SAP HR gender table (PA0002) and the GESCH field empowers HR professionals and system users to manage employee data effectively. As SAP continues to embrace diversity and inclusion, we can expect further enhancements to accommodate a broader spectrum of gender identities.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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