

Title: Understanding VARGB: A Powerful Operation in SAP HR Payroll


In the intricate world of SAP Human Resources (HR) Payroll processing, the VARGB operation is a versatile tool. Its ability to dynamically read and process values from custom info-type fields empowers HR professionals to tailor payroll calculations based on precise employee data. In this blog, we’ll delve into the fundamentals of VARGB and how to customize it. We will also illustrate its potential with practical examples.

What is VARGB?

VARGB is a specialized operation used within SAP HR Payroll schemas. Let’s break down its functionality:

  • VAR – Stands for “variable.” It indicates that this operation can work with different values based on the context.
  • GB – Stands for “get back.” Its primary role is retrieving data stored in custom info types within your SAP HR system.

VARGB fetches a specific value from a custom info type field for an employee during payroll processing.

Key Points about VARGB

  • Infotypes: VARGB is designed to work with custom infotypes (subtypes 0000 and above). These are additional data tables you define to store employee information beyond standard SAP HR fields.
  • Schema: VARGB is used within payroll schemas, which are rule sets that dictate the sequence and logic of payroll calculations.
  • Flexibility: VARGB’s power lies in its ability to conditionally fetch different infotype values, ensuring payroll calculations reflect precise employee-specific rules or criteria.

Customizing VARGB

  1. Create Custom Infotype: Begin by defining the custom info type where you’ll store the data VARGB needs to access.
  2. Schema Modification: Within the payroll schema, insert the VARGB operation at the appropriate point. The syntax is:
  3. VARGB <infotype> <field>
  4. Replace <infotype> with your custom info type number and <field> with the field name within that type.

Use Cases

Here are common scenarios where VARGB proves invaluable:

  • Region-Specific Allowances: Calculate location-based allowances based on values stored in a custom “Regional Allowance” info type.
  • Seniority-Based Bonuses: Determine bonus amounts by referencing an employee’s “Years of Service” field within a custom info type.
  • Eligibility-Based Deductions: Apply deductions conditionally depending on enrollment statuses stored in a custom “Benefits” info type.


Suppose you have a custom info type “9999” storing eligibility for a “Special Project Bonus.” The field is named “SPBONUS.” In the schema:


* **** If the SPBONUS field is ‘Y,’ proceed with the bonus calculation 

Advantages of VARGB

  • Customization: Adapts payroll rules to your unique organizational needs.
  • Automation: Reduces manual adjustments and the potential for errors in payroll calculations.
  • Scalability: Handles complex payroll scenarios without overly intricate schema designs.

In Conclusion

VARGB is an indispensable tool for fine-tuning SAP HR Payroll calculations. If you frequently work with custom employee data to determine payroll, understanding and leveraging VARGB will help you streamline your processes and increase accuracy.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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