Scaler Machine Learning


Scaler Machine Learning

In machine learning, scaling refers to transforming numerical features to use a standard scale. This is often necessary because models can only perform well if the parts have different scales.

Different scaling methods include Min-Max scaling, Standard scaling (Z-score normalization), and Robust scaling. Here’s a brief explanation of each:

  1. Min-Max Scaling: This method scales the features in a fixed range (usually 0 to 1). The formula defines it:
  2. \text{X_scaled} = \frac{{X – \text{X_min}}}{{\text{X_max} – \text{X_min}}}
  3. Standard Scaling: This method centers the features by removing the mean and scales them by dividing by the standard deviation. The resulting distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation 1.
  4. \text{X_scaled} = \frac{{X – \mu}}{{\sigma}}
  5. Robust Scaling: This method uses the median and the interquartile range, so it’s vital to outliers.
  6. \text{X_scaled} = \frac{{X – \text{median}}}{{\text{IQR}}}

These methods are commonly used to prepare data for machine learning algorithms, as they can improve the models’ performance, training stability, and interpretability.

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