Azure DevOps Node API


     Azure DevOps Node API

It seems like you are interested in information about Azure DevOps Node API. The Azure DevOps Services REST API provides a way to interact with Azure DevOps programmatically. With the Node API library, you can access and manage Azure DevOps resources such as builds, work items, etc., using Node.js.

Here’s a general guide to get started:

  1. Install the Package: You can install the Azure DevOps Node API library using npm:

    npm install azure-devops-node-api
  2. Import the Library: You can import the library in your code:

    var azdev = require("azure-devops-node-api");
  3. Authenticate: You’ll need a personal access token (PAT) with appropriate permissions. You can create one in the Azure DevOps portal.

    var authHandler = azdev.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler("YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");
    var connection = new azdev.WebApi("", authHandler);
  4. Use the API: With the connection established, you can now interact with various Azure DevOps services:

    var build = await connection.getBuildApi();
    var builds = await build.getBuilds("your_project");
    // Work with builds here

Make sure to consult the official Azure DevOps Node API documentation for a more comprehensive guide, as well as examples tailored to your specific use case.

If you’re implementing this for a specific course or project and have concerns about bulk email, please provide more context, and I’ll be glad to assist further!

Demo Day 1 Video:

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