Group BOM in SAP PP


Group BOM in SAP PP

Mastering Manufacturing Efficiency: A Guide to Group BOMs in SAP PP

In the fast-paced Production Planning (PP) world, efficiency is paramount. SAP PP offers a powerful tool to streamline Bill of Materials (BOM) management: the Group BOM. This blog explores Group BOMs, their advantages, and how to leverage them for a smoother production flow.

What is a Group BOM?

Unlike a standard BOM specific to a particular plant, a Group BOM is plant-independent. Created in CS01 without assigning a plant, it acts as a master template. This generic BOM defines the components needed to produce a finished product, regardless of the manufacturing location.

Benefits of Group BOMs

  • Standardization: Ensure consistent product structure across multiple plants, promoting quality and reducing errors.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Maintain one BOM for a product, minimizing duplication of effort and streamlining updates.
  • Scalability: Easily assign the Group BOM to new plants as production expands.
  • Improved Planning: Gain a central view of material requirements for the product, facilitating better production planning.

Using Group BOMs Effectively

  1. Create the Group BOM: In CS01, define the product structure with components and quantities.
  2. Assign to Plants: Use CS07 to assign the Group BOM to specific plants. This creates plant-specific BOMs referencing the Group BOM.
  3. Maintain the Group BOM: Any changes made to the Group BOM are automatically reflected in all assigned plant BOMs.

Things to Consider

  • Group BOMs are not directly used in MRP or production orders. They require assignment to a plant for these functionalities.
  • Since changes affect all assigned BOMs, careful planning and communication are crucial.


Group BOMs are a valuable asset for companies managing production across multiple plants. They can significantly enhance production efficiency by promoting standardization, reducing maintenance, and improving planning. So, if you’re looking to streamline your SAP PP operations, consider leveraging the power of Group BOMs.

You can find more information about SAP  PP  in this  SAP PP Link



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