WebView2 Power BI


WebView2 Power BI

Here’s a general overview of how you can use WebView2 with Power BI:

  1. Integration with WebView2: To embed Power BI reports or dashboards in a native Windows application using WebView2, you need to integrate WebView2 into your application. This usually involves adding the WebView2 control to your application’s user interface.

  2. Loading Power BI Content: Once you have the WebView2 control in your application, you can use it to load Power BI reports or dashboards. You would typically provide the URL or embed code of the Power BI report or dashboard you want to display.

  3. Authentication: If your Power BI content requires authentication (such as Azure AD authentication), you will need to handle authentication within your application and pass the appropriate credentials to WebView2 so that it can load the content securely.

  4. Interactivity: WebView2 allows you to interact with the embedded web content. Users can interact with and explore Power BI reports or dashboards directly within your application.

  5. Customization: You can customize the appearance and behavior of the WebView2 control to fit your application’s design and user experience requirements.

  6. Error Handling: You should handle errors gracefully, such as network issues or issues with the embedded Power BI content, to ensure a smooth user experience.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Power BI in this Power BI Docs Link



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