Azure DevOps Hierarchy


    Azure DevOps Hierarchy

Azure DevOps provides a flexible and comprehensive framework to manage software development projects, and understanding its hierarchy is crucial for effective use. The hierarchy in Azure DevOps is designed to support complex project management needs and to align with various methodologies like Agile, Scrum, or Kanban. Here’s an overview of the hierarchy used in Azure DevOps:

1. Organization Level

  • Organization: The top-level entity in Azure DevOps.
  • Purpose: Represents a collection of related projects.
  • Management: You can manage users, billing, and settings at the organization level.

2. Project Level

  • Project: Each organization can contain multiple projects.
  • Purpose: Projects are containers for source code repositories, work items, test plans, and build/release pipelines.
  • Independence: Each project can have its own process template (Agile, Scrum, CMMI), its own work item types, and its own area/iteration paths.

3. Teams and Area Paths

  • Teams: Within each project, you can have one or more teams.
  • Area Paths: Teams can be associated with area paths to filter work items relevant to them.
  • Purpose: This structure allows for teams to work independently on their parts of the project while still contributing to the overall project goals.

4. Repositories

  • Repositories (Repos): Each project can contain multiple Git repositories or a single Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repository.
  • Purpose: Repos are used for source code management, allowing version control, branching, and other SCM activities.

5. Work Item Tracking

  • Work Items: Central to Azure DevOps project management.
  • Types: Includes Epics, Features, User Stories (or Product Backlog Items in Scrum), Tasks, Bugs, and more.
  • Hierarchy: Epics > Features > User Stories > Tasks/Bugs.
  • Tracking: Used to track requirements, tasks, bugs, and other activities in the software development lifecycle.

6. Sprints and Iterations

  • Iterations (Sprints): Used for planning and tracking work over a set period.
  • Purpose: Supports Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.
  • Planning and Tracking: Allows teams to plan sprints, assign work items, and track progress.

7. Build and Release Pipelines

  • Pipelines: For automating the build and deployment process.
  • CI/CD: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines are crucial for DevOps practices.
  • Integration: Pipelines can be linked to work items and repositories for traceability.

8. Dashboards and Reporting

  • Dashboards: Customizable dashboards for visualizing work and metrics.
  • Reporting: Provides insights into the project’s health, progress, and quality.


Azure DevOps’ hierarchical structure is both robust and adaptable, accommodating various project sizes and methodologies. This flexibility allows teams to tailor their Azure DevOps environment to fit their specific workflow needs, from high-level organization management to detailed work item tracking and CI/CD practices. Understanding and effectively utilizing this hierarchy is key to managing successful software development projects using Azure DevOps.

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