Oracle E-Business Suite Vs Oracle Fusion Applications



Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) and Oracle Fusion Applications are both enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems developed by Oracle Corporation. However, they have different characteristics, purposes, and technologies. Here’s a comparison between the two:

  1. Technology and Architecture:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): EBS is built on a traditional, monolithic architecture. It consists of a suite of integrated applications that cover various business functions, such as financials, human resources, supply chain management, and customer relationship management. These applications are tightly integrated and share a common database.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Fusion Applications are designed with a modern, service-oriented architecture (SOA). They are built on top of Oracle Fusion Middleware, which provides a modular and flexible framework. Fusion Applications offer a more modular and scalable approach to deploying and customizing business processes.
  2. Functionality:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): EBS offers a wide range of functionality, covering various business processes. It has a comprehensive set of modules that cater to different industries and business needs.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Fusion Applications were designed to be more specialized and focused on specific industries and business processes. They aim to provide a more streamlined and efficient experience for users.
  3. User Experience:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): EBS has evolved over time, but its user interface may be considered less modern and user-friendly compared to more contemporary applications.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Fusion Applications are known for their improved user experience, offering intuitive interfaces, dashboards, and role-based access to information. They aim to enhance user productivity and engagement.
  4. Deployment Options:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): EBS can be deployed on-premises or in a private cloud environment.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Fusion Applications were initially designed for cloud deployment. Oracle Cloud offers Fusion Applications as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), but they can also be deployed on-premises or in a hybrid cloud environment.
  5. Integration and Customization:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): While EBS offers integration and customization options, the level of complexity and flexibility might be more limited compared to Fusion Applications.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Fusion Applications are designed with a more modular and extensible architecture, making it easier to integrate with other systems and customize specific modules as needed.
  6. Lifecycle and Future Direction:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): Oracle has committed to supporting and releasing updates for EBS for the foreseeable future. However, the company’s long-term focus is on cloud-based solutions like Fusion Applications.
    • Oracle Fusion Applications: Oracle’s strategic direction has been moving towards Fusion Applications and cloud-based solutions. Fusion Applications are intended to offer the latest technology and innovations from Oracle.

When choosing between Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Fusion Applications, businesses should consider factors such as their current technology landscape, industry requirements, scalability needs, user experience preferences, and long-term strategic goals.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Oracle Fusion Cloud application in this Oracle Docs Link



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