Robot Framework Selenium


Robot Framework Selenium

Robot Framework is an open-source test automation framework that allows you to write and execute automated tests for various systems and applications. Selenium is a popular web testing framework that provides tools for automating web browsers. When combined, Robot Framework and Selenium can be used to create automated tests for web applications.

Here’s a brief overview of how you can use Robot Framework with Selenium for web automation:

  1. Installation: First, you need to install both Robot Framework and the SeleniumLibrary. You can do this using pip, the Python package manager:
  2. Copy code
  3. pip install robotframework
  4. pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
  5. Test Cases: In Robot Framework, tests are written in plain text format using keywords and test case steps. A simple test case for Selenium might look like this:
  6. robotCopy code
  7. *** Settings ***
  8. Library SeleniumLibrary
  9. Suite Setup Open Browser chrome
  10. Suite Teardown Close Browser 
  11. *** Test Cases ***
  12. Search Example
  13.     Input Text id=search-bar Robot Framework
  14.     Click Button name=search-button
  15.     Page Should Contain Search results for ‘Robot Framework’
  16. Keywords: The SeleniumLibrary provides a wide range of keywords for interacting with web elements, handling browser actions, verifying page content, and more. Keywords like Open Browser, Input Text, Click Button, and Page Should Contain are used in the example above.
  17. Execution: To run your test, save it in a .robot file and execute it using the Robot Framework command-line tool:
  18. bashCopy code
  19. robot path/to/your/testfile.robot
  20. Reports and Logs: Robot Framework generates detailed HTML reports and logs after test execution, allowing you to see which test cases passed, failed, or encountered issues.
  21. Customization: You can extend and customize your test automation by creating custom keywords and utilizing built-in libraries beyond just Selenium, such as DatabaseLibrary, RESTinstance, etc.

Keep in mind that this is just a basic introduction. Both Robot Framework and Selenium offer a lot of functionalities, and you can create more complex test scenarios by combining different keywords and libraries. Make sure to refer to the official documentation for both frameworks to learn more about their capabilities and best practices.


Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Selenium in this Selenium Link



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