SAP PP Order Tables


SAP PP Order Tables

Demystifying SAP PP Order Tables: A Guide for Production Planning Power Users

The Production Planning (PP) module in SAP is the backbone of discrete manufacturing. At its core lies the concept of the production order, a document that details the creation of a specific material in a finite quantity. But how is this information stored and managed within the system? That’s where SAP PP order tables come in.

This blog will delve into the critical tables used to manage production orders, providing a deeper understanding of PP power users.

The Essential Trio: AFKO, AFPO, and AFVC

The holy trinity of SAP PP order tables consists of:

  • AFKO (Order Header): This table stores the core information about a production order, such as the order number, material to be produced, planned start and finish dates, and overall order status. Think of it as the central hub for order details.
  • AFPO (Order Items): AFPO provides a granular view of the materials required to produce the finished product. Each bill of materials (BOM) item is represented here, along with its quantity, planned issue date, and component details. This table essentially breaks down the production order into its constituent parts.
  • AFVC (Order Operations): AFVC focuses on the production processes involved. It details each operation within the order, including the work center responsible, planned sequence, standard times, and any assigned control steps. This table maps out the step-by-step journey of transforming raw materials into the finished good.

Understanding the relationship between these tables enables you to navigate SAP production order data effectively. AFKO is the starting point, linking to AFPO for component details and AFVC for the operational roadmap.

Beyond the Core: Additional Tables of Interest

While AFKO, AFPO, and AFVC form the foundation, several other tables offer valuable insights into production orders:

  • AUFVW (Shop Order Display): This table provides a user-friendly view of production order data, which is often used in shop floor transactions.
  • CORK (Confirmation Header): CORK stores data related to production confirmations, which track actual production progress against the planned order.
  • CLSD (Order Settlement): CLSD houses information on production order settlements, capturing variances between planned and actual costs and quantities.

Exploring these additional tables allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the production order lifecycle, from initial creation to final settlement.

Leveraging Your Knowledge of PP Order Tables

A firm grasp of SAP PP order tables empowers you to:

  • Perform data analysis: By extracting data from relevant tables, you can analyze production efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and optimize production processes.
  • Develop custom reports: Utilize table data to create reports tailored to specific needs, providing insights beyond standard functionalities.
  • Enhance data maintenance: In-depth knowledge of table structures facilitates data cleansing and ensures data integrity within the PP module.

By mastering these tables, you can unlock SAP PP’s full potential and become a true production planning guru.

You can find more information about SAP  PP  in this  SAP PP Link



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