2010 Info Type In SAP HR


2010 Info Type In SAP HR

Understanding SAP HR Infotype 2010: Managing Employee Remuneration

In the intricate world of SAP Human Resources (HR), info types are the building blocks that store various types of employee data. One crucial info type is the 2010, or the “Employee Remuneration Info” info type. Let’s explore what this info type does and why it’s essential for HR management.

What is Infotype 2010?

Infotype 2010 is designed to hold manually calculated wages, special bonuses, premiums, or other non-standard wage types within your SAP HR system. The primary benefit is its flexibility in accommodating remuneration components that aren’t automatically processed by regular payroll runs.

When is Infotype 2010 Used?

Here are some typical scenarios where Infotype 2010 comes in handy:

  • No Time Evaluation: Companies that don’t have SAP’s Time Management module implemented might rely on Infotype 2010 to record employees’ working hours and calculate corresponding wages.
  • One-Time Bonuses: Special bonuses for exceptional performance or allowances for hazardous working conditions can be directly entered into this info type.
  • Non-Standard Wage Components: If you have wage types not generated by the standard payroll process, info type 2010 provides a space to add them.
  • Retroactive Pay Adjustments: Use Infotype 2010 to make retroactive salary changes or corrections outside the standard payroll cycle.

Critical Data within Infotype 2010

The kind of information stored in Infotype 2010 includes:

  • Wage Type: The specific type of remuneration (e.g., overtime pay, special bonus).
  • Number/Hours: Quantity of units worked or eligible for the particular wage type.
  • Amount: Total monetary value of the wage component.
  • Payment Date: The date the payment should be processed.

Configuring and Using Infotype 2010

Setting up and maintaining Infotype 2010 usually involves the following:

  1. Wage Type Creation: In the SAP system, you’ll need to define the wage types you want to use within Infotype 2010.
  2. Payroll Integration: If required, establish how values from Infotype 2010 should flow into payroll calculations. This might involve writing custom rules (PCRs) within your payroll schema.
  3. User Interface: Configure the user interface and access permissions for those who must enter and maintain data in Infotype 2010.

Important Considerations

  • Alternatives: If you have robust time management and payroll processes, Infotype 2010 might be less needed. Regularly generated components are best processed automatically.
  • Data Consistency: Manual data entry requires vigilance to ensure accuracy and avoid payroll errors.
  • Reporting: Ensure that the data from Infotype 2010 is integrated into your HR reporting and analytics.

The Takeaway

Infotype 2010 empowers HR managers to handle wage and remuneration components outside the regular payroll process. Understanding its strengths and limitations is essential for effective employee compensation management within SAP HR.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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