Ansible Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


Ansible Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks like system configuration management, application deployments, and intra-service orchestration. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is a cloud computing service offered by Oracle Corporation, providing servers, storage, network, databases, and other services.

You can integrate Ansible with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for automating your cloud operations. This enables you to deploy, configure, and manage resources in OCI using Ansible playbooks.

Here’s a brief guide on how to set up Ansible with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:


  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account and access to create resources.
  • Ansible installed on your local machine.
  • Python installed on your local machine.
  • OCI Python SDK and Ansible OCI plugins installed.


  1. Install Required Packages
  2. bashCopy code
  3. pip install oci
  4. ansible-galaxy collection install oracle.oci
  5. API Configuration: Obtain your Oracle Cloud user’s API key and add it to an OCI config file, usually located at ~/.oci/config.
  6. makefileCopy code
  7. [DEFAULT]
  8. user = YOUR_USER_OCID
  9. fingerprint = YOUR_PUBLIC_FINGERPRINT
  10. key_file = PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
  11. tenancy = YOUR_TENANCY_OCID
  12. region = YOUR_OCI_REGION
  13. Ansible Configuration: Create an Ansible playbook YAML file (e.g., oci_provision.yaml) to describe what resources you’d like to provision or manage in OCI.
  14. yamlCopy code
  15. – name: Create Oracle Cloud Instance
  16.   hosts: localhost
  17.   gather_facts: no
  18.   tasks:
  19.     – name: Create a new instance
  20.       oci_instance:
  21.         config_file_location: ‘~/.oci/config’
  22.         config_profile_name: ‘DEFAULT’
  23.         availability_domain: YOUR_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN
  24.         compartment_id: YOUR_COMPARTMENT_ID
  25.         shape: YOUR_INSTANCE_SHAPE
  26.         display_name: YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME
  27.         source_details:
  28.           source_type: ‘image’
  29.           image_id: YOUR_IMAGE_ID
  30.       register: instance
  31. Execute the Playbook: Run the Ansible playbook to start the provisioning.
  32. bashCopy code
  33. ansible-playbook oci_provision.yaml
  34. Verify that the resources have been created in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

Please remember that this is a simplified example. Real-world use-cases might require more complex configurations and additional tasks.

You can find more information about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application in this Oracle Docs Link



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