Business Events In Oracle Integration Cloud


Business Events In Oracle  Integration Cloud

Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) is a cloud-based integration platform that enables businesses to connect applications, systems, and data across cloud and on-premises environments.

In Oracle Integration Cloud, business events are used to facilitate real-time integrations between various applications. Business events enable you to trigger integrations based on changes or specific actions occurring in one application, allowing other connected applications to respond accordingly.

Here are some key points about business events in Oracle Integration Cloud:

  1. Event Publishers: Business events can be published by various Oracle and third-party applications. For example, Oracle SaaS applications such as Oracle ERP Cloud, HCM Cloud, and CX Cloud can publish business events to notify external systems about specific actions or data changes.

  2. Event Subscribers: Other applications, including custom applications or third-party systems, can subscribe to these published business events. When a business event occurs, the subscribers can receive the event data and take appropriate actions, such as updating records or triggering other processes.

  3. Integration Workflows: When a business event is received by Oracle Integration Cloud, it can be processed through integration workflows. These workflows can include various actions, transformations, or routing logic to handle the event data and pass it on to the target application or system.

  4. Low Code Integration: Oracle Integration Cloud offers a low-code approach to designing and configuring integrations. This means that you can build integrations and handle business events without extensive coding knowledge.

  5. Monitoring and Analytics: Oracle Integration Cloud provides monitoring and analytics capabilities to track the flow of business events and the success of integration processes. This helps businesses to identify issues, optimize performance, and gain insights into integration patterns.

  6. Pre-built Integrations: Oracle Integration Cloud offers pre-built connectors and integrations for Oracle SaaS applications, which can accelerate the implementation of business event-based integrations.

Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) Training Demo Day 1

You can find more information about Oracle Integration Cloud Service in this Oracle Docs Link



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