Databricks UTF-8


                Databricks UTF-8

Databricks has robust support for UTF-8 encoding to handle a wide range of characters and languages. Here’s a summary of how UTF-8 is used within Databricks:

Data Ingestion:

  • Reading Files: When reading data from files (CSV, JSON, etc.), Databricks can automatically detect and handle UTF-8 encoded data. You can also explicitly specify the encoding using options like encoding='utf-8' when reading files with Spark.
  • JDBC/ODBC Connections: When connecting to external databases, ensure that your connection settings and drivers are configured to use UTF-8 encoding for proper data transfer.

Data Processing:

  • Spark Functions: Spark SQL and PySpark provide various functions for working with UTF-8 strings:
    • encode(): Convert a string to a binary representation in a specific encoding (e.g., UTF-8).
    • decode(): Convert a binary representation to a string in a specific encoding.
    • String manipulation functions like length(), substring(), etc., work correctly with UTF-8 strings.

Display and Output:

  • Notebooks: Databricks notebooks (Python, Scala, R, SQL) can display and render UTF-8 characters correctly.
  • Data Export: When exporting data to files or external systems, Databricks can ensure that the UTF-8 encoding is preserved.


  • Incorrect Character Display: If you see garbled characters or question marks, it might indicate an encoding mismatch. Double-check your input data encoding, connection settings, and output configurations.
  • Community Resources: The Databricks community forums and documentation often have discussions and solutions for handling UTF-8 related issues.

Example (PySpark):

from pyspark.sql.functions import encode, decode

# Read a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding
df ="path/to/file.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True, encoding='utf-8')

# Convert a column to UTF-8 encoded bytes
df = df.withColumn("encoded_column", encode(df["column_name"], "utf-8"))

# Convert UTF-8 encoded bytes back to a string
df = df.withColumn("decoded_column", decode(df["encoded_column"], "utf-8

Databricks Training Demo Day 1 Video:

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