Databricks YAML File


              Databricks YAML File

In Databricks, YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) files are primarily used for configuration and deployment. They offer a human-readable format for defining settings and parameters, making managing and automating various aspects of your Databricks workflows easier.

Common Uses of YAML Files in Databricks:

  1. Job Definitions: YAML files can define Databricks jobs, specifying the tasks to be executed (e.g., running notebooks, Python scripts), the compute resources to use, scheduling options, and other configuration details. This allows you to create reusable and automated workflows.
  2. Cluster Configurations: You can use YAML files to define the configuration of Databricks clusters, including the number and type of worker nodes, libraries to install, environment variables, and Spark configuration parameters. This enables consistent and reproducible cluster setups.
  3. Workflow Orchestration: Databricks workflows (formerly called Databricks Delta Live Tables) can be defined using YAML files. These workflows specify the steps for ingesting, transforming, and managing data and the dependencies between tasks.
  4. Deployment (Databricks Asset Bundles): Databricks Asset Bundles use YAML files to define how notebooks, libraries, and other assets should be packaged and deployed to a Databricks workspace. This simplifies the process of sharing and deploying reusable projects.
  5. Secrets Management:  Sensitive information, such as API keys and database credentials, can be stored securely in Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager and referenced within your Databricks YAML files using environment variables.

Example: Job Definition YAML File


name: My Databricks Job
– notebook_task:
notebook_path: /path/to/notebook
param1: value1
param2: value2
– pypi:
package: pandas
quartz_cron_expression: “0 0 12 * * ?”
timezone_id: “America/Los_Angeles”

This YAML file defines a Databricks job that runs a specified notebook with parameters, installs the Pandas library, and is scheduled to run daily at noon in the Pacific time zone.

Advantages of Using YAML:

  • Human-Readable: YAML is easy to read and understand, making it a good choice for configuration files.
  • Concise: YAML uses indentation to define structure, reducing the need for excessive brackets and delimiters.
  • Flexible: YAML can represent complex data structures and is suitable for various configuration scenarios.
  • Widely Used: YAML is a popular format for configuration files in many tools and platforms, making it a versatile skill.

Databricks Training Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Databricks Training in this Dtabricks Docs Link



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