Docker Oracle Apex



Docker Oracle Apex

Title: Powering Up Oracle APEX with Docker: A Streamlined Development and Deployment Workflow


Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a powerful low-code development framework for building scalable, enterprise-grade web applications on Oracle databases. Docker simplifies application deployment by packaging everything—code, configurations, and dependencies—into portable and consistent containers. Combining these technologies results in a fantastic way to streamline your APEX development process.

Why Docker for Oracle APEX?

  • Portability: Build your APEX environment once, and then run it anywhere Docker is supported, from development machines to production servers.
  • Consistency: Eliminate “works on my machine” issues. Docker images provide the same environment everywhere.
  • Scalability: Scale your APEX application by easily replicating Docker containers as needed.
  • Isolation: Run different APEX versions or multiple applications on the same host without conflicts.
  • Enhanced DevOps: Integrate Docker into your CI/CD pipelines for automated builds, testing, and deployments.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Prerequisites
    • Basic familiarity with Docker concepts
  1. Obtain Oracle Database Image
    • The official Oracle Database container image is on the Docker registry: [invalid URL removed]
    • Pull the image: docker pull
  1. Get Oracle APEX
    • Download the latest Oracle APEX version from [invalid URL removed]
  1. Create a Dockerfile

# Start with an Oracle Linux base image

FROM oraclelinux:8

# Install dependencies 

RUN yum install -y unzip wget nano

# Install Oracle database prerequisites

# (Refer to Oracle documentation for the correct package list)

RUN yum install -y oracle-database-preinstall-21c

# Create directories for database and ORDS

RUN mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE /u02/app/ords

# Set environment variables

ENV ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE \


# Copy Oracle database installation files (adjust for the version you downloaded)

COPY /tmp

# Unzip the database installation

RUN cd /tmp && unzip

# Run the database installation (follow Oracle’s guide)

RUN /tmp/database/ # … provide necessary inputs

# Copy Oracle APEX and ORDS

COPY apex /tmp/apex

COPY ords /u02/app/ords

# Install APEX

WORKDIR /tmp/apex

RUN sqlplus / as sysdba @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ 

# Install ORDS (refer to ORDS installation guides)

WORKDIR /u02/app/ords

RUN java -jar ords.war install advanced 

# Expose ports

EXPOSE 1521 8080

# Start script for the container (adjust as needed)


CMD [“/bin/bash”, “”

Run the Container

    • docker run -d -p 8080:8080 –name my-apex-container my-apex-image

Access Your APEX Application

Open a browser and access your APEX application at http://localhost:8080/ords/

Additional Notes

  • Persist database data using Docker volumes.
  • Explore more advanced Docker networking concepts.
  • Integrate with a reverse proxy like Nginx for better production setups.


You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link



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