Java Programs for Interview
Certainly! Here are some Java programming examples that are commonly used in technical interviews to test various programming concepts and problem-solving skills. Each example comes with a brief description of the problem and a sample Java code solution.
1. FizzBuzz:
- Problem: Print numbers from 1 to n, but replace multiples of 3 with “Fizz” and multiples of 5 with “Buzz,” and multiples of both with “FizzBuzz.”
- Java FizzBuzz Example
2. Palindrome Check:
- Problem: Check if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backward).
- Java Palindrome Check Example
3. Reverse a String:
- Problem: Reverse a given string without using any library methods.
- Java String Reversal Example
4. Find Missing Number:
- Problem: Given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0 to n, find the missing number.
- Java Missing Number Example
5. Two Sum:
- Problem: Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.
- Java Two Sum Example
6. Factorial Calculation:
- Problem: Calculate the factorial of a given integer using recursion.
- Java Factorial Calculation Example
7. Find Maximum Subarray Sum:
- Problem: Given an array of integers, find the contiguous subarray with the largest sum.
- Java Maximum Subarray Sum Example
8. Merge Two Sorted Lists:
- Problem: Merge two sorted linked lists into a new sorted list.
- Java Merge Two Sorted Lists Example
9. Fibonacci Series:
- Problem: Print the first n numbers in the Fibonacci series.
- Java Fibonacci Series Example
10. Check for Anagrams: – Problem: Check if two strings are anagrams of each other (contain the same characters in a different order). – Java Anagram Check Example
These are just a few examples of Java programming problems that can be helpful for interview preparation. Depending on the role and level of the interview, you may encounter more advanced algorithmic and data structure problems. It’s important to practice problem-solving and coding regularly to excel in technical interviews.
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