Junit In Java


                   Junit In Java

JUnit is a renowned framework in Java, utilized for unit testing. It is a part of the xUnit architecture designed for unit testing frameworks. The principle JUnit advocates is “test before coding”, which focuses on setting up the test data initially for a code segment that can be tested first and then executed.

JUnit comes with a host of key features:

  1. Assertions: They are employed to check the anticipated results. Primarily, they are utilized in unit testing and are usually viewed as the actual examination within the testing method.

  2. Test Suites: If multiple test classes are present, they can be amalgamated into a test suite. Executing this suite will run all the test methods across all the classes.

  3. Test Runners: They are employed to execute the test cases.

  4. Annotations: JUnit provides a set of annotations which are beneficial for the configuration, execution, and teardown of test cases.

The most frequently used annotations are:

  • @Test: It notifies JUnit that the public void method it’s attached to can be executed as a test case.

  • @Before: It is used to set up the testing environment before every test.

  • @After: It is used to clean up the test environment after every test.

  • @BeforeClass: It is performed once before any of the test methods in the class are run. It’s typically used for one-time setups, such as database connections.

  • @AfterClass: It is performed once after all the tests in the class have been run. It’s usually used for one-time teardowns, such as database disconnections.

  • @Ignore: It’s used to bypass the test and not execute it.

Here’s an example of a simple JUnit test:


import org.junit.*;

public class BasicTest {
public void testSum() {
int x = 5;
int y = 10;
int sum = x + y;
Assert.assertEquals(15, sum);

In this test, the @Test annotation notifies JUnit that testSum() is a test case. Within this test case, we use an assertion to verify if the outcome of the sum operation is as predicted.

It’s crucial to import the required JUnit classes at the beginning of your test class. For the above instance, we need to import org.junit.*.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Java in this Java Docs Link



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