Payroll Tcodes In SAP HR


Payroll Tcodes In SAP HR

Mastering SAP HR Payroll T-Codes: A Comprehensive Guide

SAP HR (Human Resources) is an extensive module within the larger SAP system. It houses a comprehensive collection of functionalities, including comprehensive payroll management tools. To streamline your work within SAP HR’s payroll features, transaction codes (T-codes) provide quick access and navigation. Let’s explore some of the most important ones.

Key SAP HR Transaction Codes for Payroll

1. Master Data Management

  • PA10: View Personnel File
  • PA20: Display HR Master Data
  • PA30: Maintain HR Master Data (essential for making changes to employee payroll data)

2. Payroll Execution

  • PC00_MXX_CALC: Run the payroll calculation (XX represents your country code)
  • PC00_MXX_CEDT: Create payroll transfer file/DME (XX represents your country code)

3. Payroll Checks and Analysis

  • PC00_MXX_CIPE: Check payroll results (XX represents your country code)
  • PC00_MXX_PA03_CHECK: Detailed analysis of payroll results
  • PC00_MXX_PA03_CORR: Corrections to employee master data or errors discovered during payroll run

4. Reporting

  • PC00_MXX_CPRT: Generate payroll-related reports (XX represents your country code)
  • PC00_MXX_CALC_SIMU: Simulate payroll runs for testing or ‘what-if’ scenarios

5. Payroll Administration

  • PC00_MXX_PA03_END: Exit and lock the current payroll period

Important Notes:

  • In the above T-codes, “XX” needs to be replaced with your specific country code (e.g., “US” for the United States).
  • T-codes can be customized or industry-specific, so your organization may have variations.
  • To effectively use these T-codes, one needs a deep understanding of SAP HR payroll processes—it’s not just about knowing the code!

Tips for Working with Payroll T-Codes

  • Practice makes perfect: The more you use T-codes, the faster you’ll get.
  • Favorites: Add frequently used T-codes to your SAP favorites menu.
  • Training: SAP and third-party HR courses provide in-depth training on using these and other T-codes.
  • Documentation: Refer to SAP’s official documentation when in doubt.
  • Security: Your SAP administrator controls which T-codes you can access based on your job function.


Payroll T-codes are essential tools for navigating the complex world of SAP HR payroll. Mastering these codes can significantly improve your efficiency and accuracy when you’re responsible for generating payroll, making corrections, or pulling reports. Always check with your organization’s SAP experts for more detailed information on the specific T-codes used in your company.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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