SAP HR Info Type 105


SAP HR Info Type 105

SAP HR Infotype 105: The Key to Streamlined Communication

In the intricate world of SAP Human Resources (HR), Infotypes play a pivotal role in organizing and managing employee data. Infotype 105 (Communication) holds particular importance as it centralizes essential communication details for each employee within your organization.

Purpose of Infotype 105

Let’s break down the critical functions of Infotype 105:

  • Workflow and Office Integration: Infotype 105 stores the system username required for SAP-Business-Workflow and SAP-Office. This username ensures seamless communication and task assignment within these integrated systems.
  • Email Addresses: It houses primary and alternative employee email addresses, facilitating efficient internal and external communication.
  • Telephone/Fax Numbers: Infotype 105 maintains various means of telephonic contact, enabling quick and convenient outreach.
  • Other Communication Data: This type can store additional communication-related information your organization needs.


Infotype 105 utilizes ‘subtypes’ to categorize the different communication channels. Here are some common subtypes:

  • 0001: Business Address
  • 0010: Private Email
  • ADP: ADP Number (or other relevant external system IDs)

Feel free to create custom subtypes tailored to the unique communication requirements of your organization.

Infotype 105 in Action

Here are a few scenarios illustrating how Infotype 105 comes into play:

  • Automated Notifications: When an employee’s timesheet needs approval, the system can automatically send an email notification using the address stored in Infotype 105.
  • Workflow Assignments: If a task within a workflow requires the attention of a specific employee, their username from Infotype 105 will be used to route the task.
  • Company Directory: Many organizations use the data within Infotype 105 to populate a centralized employee directory, streamlining contact information searches.

Best Practices

To maximize the utility of Infotype 105, consider these tips:

  • Mandatory Fields: Decide which communication fields (email, phone, etc.) are essential for all employees and configure the Infotype accordingly.
  • Data Maintenance: Establish transparent processes and responsibilities to ensure that Infotype 105 data is kept accurate and up-to-date.
  • Integration: Explore how Infotype 105 data can be leveraged in other HR systems for better organizational communication and collaboration.

In Conclusion

While Infotype 105 might seem like a small piece of the SAP HR puzzle, it plays a critical role in enabling communication both within the SAP system and across your wider business environment. By understanding its purpose, subtypes, and best practices, you can effectively streamline communication channels and enhance the efficiency of your HR operations.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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