SAP HR Info Type 316


SAP HR Info Type 316

Understanding SAP HR Infotype 316: Your Key to Controlled Data Entry in CATS

In the intricate world of SAP Human Resources, info types serve as the fundamental building blocks for storing and organizing employee data. While many info types hold readily understandable information like addresses (Infotype 0006) or bank details (Infotype 0009), there is one that often needs to be clarified: Infotype 316.

What is Infotype 316?

Contrary to what you might initially assume, Infotype 316 is not a standard data-holding info type within SAP HR. Instead, it is a virtual info type crucial in managing access control within the Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) module.

How Does Infotype 316 Work?

  1. Data Entry Profiles: CATS introduces the concept of data entry profiles. These profiles streamline the time recording process by pre-populating fields like cost centers, activity types, etc.
  2. Authorization Groups: In the SAP authorization system, you can create authorization groups specifically for CATS data entry profiles. These groups determine which profiles a user is permitted to utilize.
  3. Linking Them Together: Infotype 316 bridges user authorizations (P_ORGIN object) and CATS data entry profiles. You assign authorization groups you have created to specific users via Infotype 316 entries in their authorization profiles.

Practical Example

Let’s say you require two distinct groups of employees:

  • Group A: Needs to record time against marketing projects.
  • Group B: Must record time against development projects.

Here is how you would use Infotype 316 to achieve this:

  1. Create Data Entry Profiles: Design separate profiles pre-populated for marketing and development tasks.
  2. Create Authorization Groups: Make authorization groups like “Marketing-CATS” and “Development-CATS.”
  3. Assign Authorization Groups: Assign the appropriate authorization group to each user via their authorization profile using Infotype 316.

The Result

  • Users in Group A will only see the marketing-related data entry profile in CATS.
  • Users in Group B will only see the development-related profile.

Important Notes

  • Infotype 316 cannot be maintained directly. The system manages it automatically based on authorization settings.
  • Infotype 315 (Time Sheet Defaults) often complements Infotype 316 for more precise control over timesheet entries.

In Conclusion

While Infotype 316 might not store tangible employee data, it is essential to ensure a well-organized and secure CATS system within your SAP HR environment. By understanding its role, you empower yourself to effectively manage user permissions and streamline your organization’s time-recording process.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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