Selenium Mobile


Selenium Mobile

Selenium is a popular open-source framework primarily used for automating web browsers for testing purposes, but it can also be used for other tasks like web scraping or automating repetitive tasks in web applications. It provides a way to simulate user interactions with web elements, fill out forms, click buttons, and navigate through websites.

While Selenium is mainly designed for automating desktop web browsers, it can also be utilized to automate mobile browsers for mobile web testing. Here’s how you can use Selenium for mobile web testing:

  1. Setup: You need to set up Selenium and the appropriate web driver for mobile browsers. The WebDriver acts as a bridge between your tests in a programming language and the browser. For mobile testing, you’ll generally use the Appium library, which is built on top of Selenium and is specifically designed for mobile automation.
  2. Appium: Appium is a popular mobile automation framework that supports both Android and iOS platforms. It uses the WebDriver protocol to automate interactions with mobile apps and browsers. You’ll need to install Appium and set it up according to your testing requirements.
  3. Selecting a Mobile Platform: Decide whether you want to automate testing for Android or iOS. Appium allows you to write tests in various programming languages (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.) and provides APIs for interacting with mobile elements.
  4. Locating Mobile Elements: Just like in desktop web automation, you’ll use locators to identify mobile elements (buttons, input fields, etc.). The locators might be different for mobile elements, so you’ll need to use Appium’s methods to find and interact with them.
  5. Writing Test Scripts: You’ll write test scripts in your chosen programming language using Appium’s libraries and methods. These scripts will contain instructions for interacting with mobile elements, navigating through the app or website, and performing various tests.
  6. Running Tests: You can execute your test scripts using Appium’s tools. Make sure to have the appropriate mobile devices (emulators or real devices) available for testing.
  7. Assertions and Reporting: As with any testing, you’ll need to include assertions to verify that the expected behavior is being exhibited. Additionally, you might want to incorporate reporting tools to analyze the test results.

Here’s a basic example in Python using Appium for automating a mobile web browser:

pythonCopy code

from appium import webdriver

desired_caps = {

    “platformName”: “Android”,

    “deviceName”: “your_device_name”,

    “browserName”: “Chrome” # Use the appropriate browser


driver = webdriver.Remote(“http://localhost:4723/wd/hub”, desired_caps)


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//input[@name=’q’]”)

element.send_keys(“Appium mobile testing”)



Remember that automating mobile web testing can have its challenges due to factors like varying screen sizes, different browser behaviors, and intermittent connectivity issues. However, with the right setup and understanding, Selenium and Appium can be powerful tools for mobile web automation.

Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Selenium in this Selenium Link



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