Seniority Dates in Oracle Fusion HCM

Seniority Dates in Oracle Fusion HCM

Seniority Dates in Oracle Fusion HCM:

Seniority Dates in Oracle Fusion HCM

The seniority date is used to determine a person’s seniority within an organisation, department, grade, or other body. The seniority dates can be found on the Employment Info website. Seniority dates are usually the same as start dates.

You can do the following things on the Seniority Dates page:

  • View each seniority date rule’s duration of service, history, and other characteristics.
  • You can update or fix the manual adjustment units if the seniority date rule is set to enable edits.
  • You can use the Recalculate Seniority function to recalculate a person’s seniority after making any changes.
  • The Calculate Seniority Dates method can be used to populate seniority dates for all employees.


Even though a worker’s seniority rule is operational, you may see that it does not appear on the Seniority Dates page. This could be attributed to the following factors:

  • The worker does not fulfil the filter condition, hence the rule has a filter.
  • The worker’s overall length of service is nil. This could happen if the rule is based on hours and you haven’t loaded the worker’s seniority hours.

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