Successfactors Rogers


Successfactors Rogers

Title: How Rogers Corporation Transformed HR with SAP SuccessFactors


Rogers Corporation, a global leader in engineered materials, faced the everyday challenges of many growing companies: disconnected HR systems, manual processes, and a need for consolidated employee data. To streamline their operations and enhance their employee experience, they turned to SAP SuccessFactors – a cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) suite. Let’s dive into how Rogers Corporation leveraged SuccessFactors to revolutionize its HR landscape.

Rogers’ HR Challenges Before SuccessFactors

  • Fragmented Systems: Rogers relied on multiple disparate HR systems, leading to data silos and inefficient workflows. Processes were scattered, making it difficult to get accurate, real-time information.
  • Manual Processes: Reliance on paper-based forms and spreadsheets burdened HR staff with time-consuming administrative tasks, hindering productivity and making it difficult to get a strategic overview of their workforce.
  • Inconsistent Employee Experience: The lack of a centralized platform created a disjointed employee experience. I was accessing information, completing tasks, or getting assistance navigating multiple systems and interfaces.

Transforming HR with SAP SuccessFactors

Rogers Corporation embarked on a digital HR transformation journey by implementing key SAP SuccessFactors modules:

  • Employee Central: This core module became the foundation of Rogers’ HR data. It provided a centralized repository for employee information, streamlining administrative tasks and making data readily accessible.
  • Performance & Goals: This module enabled Rogers to modernize their performance management process. Managers and employees gained tools to set clear goals, track progress, and give and receive continuous feedback.
  • Recruiting & Onboarding: Rogers enhanced the recruitment process with tools to attract the best talent and created a structured onboarding experience, quickly allowing new employees to become productive team members.

Benefits Realized by Rogers Corporation

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy and Visibility: Data consolidation in SuccessFactors improved data quality and offered real-time insights. HR gained a comprehensive understanding of their workforce to make strategic decisions.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Automating routine tasks gave their HR team more time to focus on value-added activities, driving strategy and enhancing the employee experience.
  • Improved Employee Engagement: The user-friendly interface and self-service capabilities empowered employees to manage their HR needs independently. This reduced the burden on HR and fostered a sense of ownership.
  • Scalability and Agility: As a cloud-based solution, SuccessFactors provided the flexibility to scale alongside Rogers’ growth. Software updates and innovations were readily available without needing major in-house technical upgrades.

Key Lessons Learned

Rogers Corporation’s successful implementation of SAP SuccessFactors underscores a few key considerations:

  • Robust Project Planning: Careful planning focused on change management ensured a smoother transition and better user adoption.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Engaging key stakeholders and representatives from various functions across HR built collaborative ownership throughout the process.
  • Training and Support: Investing in user training and providing ongoing support ensured that employees and HR were fully equipped to utilize the system entirely.


Rogers Corporation’s experience with SAP SuccessFactors demonstrates the transformative power of digital HR. By embracing a cloud-based HCM solution, they achieved greater efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and an enhanced employee experience – all factors critical to their continued success in today’s dynamic business environment.

You can find more information about  SAP Successfactors in this  SAP Successfactors Link



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