Time Constraint Table In SAP HR


Time Constraint Table In SAP HR

Understanding Time Constraint Tables in SAP HR

In the SAP Human Resources (HR) world, Time Constraint Tables play a crucial role in maintaining data integrity and ensuring the accuracy of employee records. Understanding how they function can significantly streamline your HR processes. Let’s explore what these tables are and why they matter.

What are Time Constraint Tables?

Time Constraint Tables in SAP HR define rules for how info types (units of HR data) can exist within the system. They govern whether:

  • An info type record is mandatory: Indicates whether the record must always be present for an employee.
  • Only one record can exist at a time, which Prevents the creation of overlapping records.
  • Multiple records can exist simultaneously: This allows several records of the same type to be created for an employee.
  • Gaps are permitted between records: Allows for non-continuous records.

Key Time Constraints

The most common time constraints you’ll encounter in SAP HR are:

  • Time Constraint 1: The info type record is mandatory. Only one valid record is allowed at a time, and no gaps are permitted. A typical example is an employee’s primary personal data.
  • Time Constraint 2: Only one record is permitted at a time, but gaps are allowed. This is suitable for info types like an employee’s home address (since they can only have one at any moment, but it might change).
  • Time Constraint 3: Multiple records can exist simultaneously with the possibility of gaps. This is used for work contracts or qualifications, where an employee could have multiple entries.

Where to Find Time Constraint Tables

You can find Time Constraint Tables in the SAP configuration area using these tables:

  • V_T582A: Infotype Attributes – This table determines the primary time constraints for infotypes.
  • V_T591A: Subtype Attributes – Used when the time constraint rules vary based on the info type’s subtype.

Why Time Constraint Tables are Important

Time Constraint Tables serve several essential purposes:

  • Data Consistency: They prevent the creation of conflicting or incorrect employee records, preserving the reliability of your HR data.
  • Automated Processes: These tables help streamline automated HR processes that rely on accurate and well-structured data.
  • Compliance: They ensure that your HR data aligns with regulations and any internal rules regarding data management.


Imagine an employee can only have one active work contract at a time. Time Constraint 2 would be applied to the relevant info type. This prevents the system from allowing the creation of a new contract record if an active one already exists.

In Conclusion

Time Constraint Tables are an integral part of the SAP HR system, helping to maintain data integrity and accuracy. Understanding these tables and their associated rules will significantly benefit your ability to manage HR data effectively and confidently.

You can find more information about  SAP  HR in this  SAP HR Link



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