Use Lookups in Fusion HCM flexfields


Use Lookups in Fusion HCM flexfields

In Oracle Fusion HCM, you can use Lookups in flexfields to provide predefined values for certain segments of the flexfield. This allows you to standardize and control the data that users can enter into those segments. Here’s how you can use Lookups in Fusion HCM flexfields:

  1. Understand Flexfields:

    • Flexfields in Oracle Fusion HCM are customizable fields that allow you to capture additional information beyond the standard fields provided by the system.
    • Flexfields consist of segments, and some of these segments can use Lookups to provide a predefined list of values.
  2. Define Flexfield Structure:

    • First, you need to define the structure of your flexfield. This involves specifying the segments, their data types, and which segments should use Lookups.
  3. Create Lookups:

    • Before using Lookups in your flexfield, you must create Lookups. Lookups are predefined lists of values that can be associated with specific segments of the flexfield.
    • Navigate to the “Setup and Maintenance” area and find the task related to “Manage Lookups.” Here, you can define Lookups for your flexfield segments.
  4. Associate Lookups with Flexfield Segments:

    • After creating Lookups, you need to associate them with the appropriate flexfield segments. You do this by configuring the flexfield structure.
    • Go to the “Manage Descriptive Flexfields” task in the Setup and Maintenance area, and select the relevant flexfield you want to configure.
    • Edit the segments you want to associate with Lookups and specify the Lookup type.
  5. Specify Default Values and Value Sets:

    • For each segment that uses a Lookup, you can specify default values from the Lookup. This ensures that when users enter data, they are presented with a list of predefined values.
    • Additionally, you can define value sets for segments, which can further control the data entered by users.
  6. Test and Validate:

    • After configuring the flexfield with Lookups, it’s important to thoroughly test it to ensure that the predefined values are available and that users can select them.
  7. Use in Data Entry:

    • When users enter data into the flexfield segment that uses Lookups, they will see a dropdown or list of predefined values from the associated Lookup.
    • Users can select values from this list, reducing the chances of data entry errors and ensuring consistency.
  8. Maintenance and Updates:

    • As business requirements change, you may need to update the Lookups and the flexfield structure to accommodate new values or changes to existing ones.

Oracle Fusion HCM Training Demo Day 1 Video:

You can find more information about Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud application in this Oracle HCM Cloud Docs Link



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